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Slovak Film Institute






documentary » post-production
SK | far. > col. | 65 min. | experimentálny dokument > experimental documentary


There are five stages emerging, sometimes seven, sometimes more. Their indications may help us navigate, but even if so, it is only a never ending period of mental rupture. Sometimes loving, sometimes scary. The transition from depression to reconciliation sounds like fiction. There is no formula, there are no instructions. Memories are not healing because they indicate the past. The reality of the past. "Rocks" is a film essay on empathy for minerals and a life that no longer exists. Rocks lead us on a journey shaped by mourning processes. A story about the influence of disappearing water on the formation of rocks and a gentle memory of grandparents who were taken over by the pandemic from director Paula Durinová. Combining feeling and landscape, the environmental and the emotional.
synopsa SK

Director > Réžia   Paula Ďurinová
Story > Námet  -
Screenplay > Scenár Paula Ďurinová
DOP > Kamera Paula Ďurinová, Denis Kozerawski
Editors >  Strih  -
Music > Hudba  -
Set Design > Architekt  -
Costumes > Kostýmy  -
Sound > Zvuk  -
Animation > Animácia  -
Cast > Hrajú  -
Filmography > Filmografia Paula Ďurinová (1987)

upcoming: It's Not Your Fault
upcoming: Kamene

Production > Produkcia Guča (SK)
Co-production > Koprodukcia CLAW (CZ)
Producer > Producent Matej Sotník (SK), Klára Mamojková (CZ), Wanda Kaprálová (CZ)  
Budget > Rozpočet 80 000€
Support > Podpora Audiovizuálny fond, Fond na podporu umenia, Literárny fond
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra  - - -
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Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania
Expected Completion >
Plánované dokončenie
Expected Release >
Plánovaná premiéra
SK: 2024, Film Expanded
o o
Web -
Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov  -


Contact > Kontakt Festivals > Festivaly Sales > Predaj
Šancová 15, SK-811 05 Bratislava

see main contact see main contact

updated: 11.09.2023