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Slovak Film Institute






» ©2022
CZ – SK | far. > col. | min. | temná komédia > dark comedy


Jarmila’s life changes significantly in quite a senior age when she and her husband move from Prague to countryside to spend the rest of their lives there. But her husband Václav gets cancer and dies soon, and Jarmila must take things to her own hands. The impulse to change her previous, quite passive life attitude, comes with a surprising gift her husband leaves her in his last will: an old circus horse Buko, she is supposed to take care of now. Jarmila starts a new phase of her life. With help of an autistic Tereza, neighbour Karel and his mother, she tries to create a new home for Buko and find her way to him. But to be able to do so, she first must acknowledge her own feelings and stop hiding behind a daily routine and silly TV shows.
Príbeh 60-ročnej zubárky, ktorá chce po smrti manžela nájsť stratenú životnú rovnováhu. Zvláštne dedičstvo, kôň Buko, ju núti premýšľať o základných veciach bytia, nájsť vzťah k druhým ľuďom a napokon aj k sebe samej.

Director > Réžia   Alice Nellis
Story > Námet Alice Nellis
Screenplay > Scenár Alice Nellis
DOP > Kamera Matěj Cibulka
Editors >  Strih Filip Issa
Music > Hudba Jan Ponocný
Set Design > Architekt Petr Fořt
Costumes > Kostýmy Katarína Hollá
Sound > Zvuk Jiří Klenka
Animation > Animácia  -
Cast > Hrajú Anna Cónová, Martha Issová, Martin Kubačák, Petra Špalková, Jana Cina, Lenka Termerová, Marian Roden, Jana Oľhová, Maya Kintera, Josefína Strejčková, Miroslav Krobot, Martin Šulík, Filip Menzel
Filmography > Filmografia Alice Nellis (1970)

2022: Buko
2015: Sedem zhavranených bratov
2014: Andělé všedního dne
2013: Revival
2011: Perfect Days – I ženy mají své dny
2010: Mamas & Papas
2007: Tajnosti
2002: Výlet
1999: Ene Bene

Production > Produkcia DORIAN film (CZ)
Co-production > Koprodukcia Česká televize (CZ), Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska (SK), GRIMALDI PRODUCTION (SK)
Producer > Producent Petr Fořt (CZ), Mirka Grimaldi (SK)  
Budget > Rozpočet 809 329 €
Support > Podpora Audiovizuálny fond, Státní fond kinematografie
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra  - - -
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Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania
08 - 10/2021
Expected Completion >
Plánované dokončenie
Release >
Distribučná premiéra
SK: 10/2022, CinemArt SK
CZ: 09/2022
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Web -
Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov  -


Contact > Kontakt Festivals > Festivaly Sales > Predaj
Karmelitská 382/14, CZ-118 00 Praha 1
+420 603 212 162

Šťastná 11, SK-821 05 Bratislava
+421 908 100 524

see main contact see main contact

updated: 12.01.2023