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SK | far. > col. | 80 min. | dokumentárny > documentary
Peter Kalmus is a unique performance artist, well-known in Slovakia thanks to his political activism. Frustrated with a society that allows communist and fascist supporters to openly express their admiration for totalitarian murderers, without any repercussions, Peter Kalmus exposes uncomfortable truths with his activist art. He strikes out against the busts and memorials celebrating representatives from our history of inhumane regimes. He provokes Slovak society into discussing a bloody past that is frequently ignored.
Dokumentárny film Prípad Kalmus sleduje príbeh výtvarníka Petra Kalmusa. Ten sa vďaka svojmu akčnému umeniu stáva hrdinom televíznych novín alebo novodobým Donom Quijotom v boji s nostalgiou za zločinnými režimami Slovenska.
Director > Réžia
Adam Hanuljak
Story > Námet
Adam Hanuljak
Screenplay > Scenár
Adam Hanuljak
DOP > Kamera
Peter Dužek, Peter Kotrha
Editors > Strih
Peter Kotrha
Music > Hudba
Set Design > Architekt
Costumes > Kostýmy
Sound > Zvuk
Richard Pulek
Animation > Animácia
Cast > Účinkuje
Peter Kalmus
Filmography > Filmografia
Adam Hanuljak
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2018: Prípad Kalmus
2010: Chránené územie