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SK | far. > col. | 110 min. | hudobný dokument > musical documentary
Made in Slovakia captures the tour of IMT Smile and the folk ensemble Lúčnica. The success of this tour also came as a pleasant surprise to the creators of the programme. They would like to mediate the atmosphere of the performance in the form of a documentary to those who were unable to attend the live performance. But this is not just an ordinary recording of a concert.
Made in Slovakia zachytáva turné IMT Smile a umeleckého súboru Lúčnica. Rozsah úspechu tohoto turné milo prekvapil aj samotných tvorcov programu. Formou dokumentárneho filmu by radi sprostredkovali atmosféru vystúpenia aj ľuďom, ktorí na živé vystúpenie nemohli prísť. Ale nejde len o bežný záznam z koncertu.