Izák sa stará o morcaciu farmu, ktorú jeho otec vybudoval
holými rukami potom, co emigroval z Iránu do Izraela. Ked
Izákov syn Moti dovrši trinást rokov, pokúša sa ho Izák zasvätit
do sveta tejto práce, dúfajúc, že syn raz bude v rodinnej tradícii
pokracovat. Motimu sa však práca na farme príliš nepozdáva,
zato ho baví opravovat autá. Jeho matka Sára sa snaží vytvárat
most medzi ním a jeho otcom, no na druhej strane stojí
chlapcov starý otec, ktorý tlací na Izáka, aby nad chlapcom
držal pevnejšiu ruku. Izáka Motiho nezáujem pracovat na morcacej
farme zranuje. I ked svojho syna nadovšetko miluje,
nedokáže akceptovat fakt, že by Moti v rodinnej tradícii
nepokracoval. Príchod strýka Dária z Ameriky spustí sled
udalostí, ktoré rozvrátia rodinnú harmóniu.
Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emigrated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn’t like working in the turkey barn; his passion is xing up junkyard cars and bringing them back to life. Moti's mother Sarah tries to reconcile between the two, while his grandfather pushes Yitzhak to take rm hand with his son. Yitzhak takes Moti’s refusal to work in the turkey barn as a personal rejection. Though he loves his son dearly, he makes it his mission to impose the family farm on Moti. The arrival of Darius, the uncle from America, sets o a chain of events that will undermine the familial harmony. Soon enough Yitzhak will learn that his son is just as stubborn as he is.
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