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Slovak Film Institute
Matka noci Mother of the Night
fiction » development |
SK | far. > col. | 100 min. | horor > horror |

On the day of her ninth birthday, Lucia disappears without a trace. Her unexpected return to her mother and the village community a year later is believed to be a God’s miracle. However, a series of unexplained incidents raises questions about the nature of Lucia’s disappearence and her strange behavior. Slowly, Lucia’s mother, Hana, becomes the centerpiece of the intense conflict between the concerned community and her only daughter.
Lucia zmizne bez stopy v deň svojich deviatych narodenín. Keď sa po roku vráti, jej matka a dedinská komunita v tom vidia Boží zázrak. Séria nevysvetliteľných incidentov však vyvolá otázky o povahe Luciinho zmiznutia. Jej matka Hana sa stáva stredobodom vyostreného konfliktu medzi komunitou a svojou jedinou dcérou. Príbeh, zasadený do lyrického prostredia izolovanej dediny na slovensko-maďarskom pohraničí, tematizuje fenomény čarodejníctva a bosoráctva, zakorenené v slovenskom folklórnom dedičstve.
Director > Réžia |
Peter Czikrai |
Story > Námet |
Peter Balko |
Screenplay > Scenár |
Peter Balko |
DOP > Kamera |
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Editors > Strih |
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Music > Hudba |
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Set Design > Architekt |
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Costumes > Kostýmy |
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Sound > Zvuk |
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Animation > Animácia |
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Cast > Hrajú |
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Filmography > Filmografia |
Peter Czikrai
Production > Produkcia |
KFS Production (SK) |
Co-production > Koprodukcia |
Producer > Producent |
Jana Kluková (SK), Michal Kollár (SK) |
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Budget > Rozpočet |
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Support > Podpora |
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Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra |
Works in Progress - Febiofest IFCF 2020 |
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-o |
Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania |
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Expected Completion >
Plánované dokončenie |
2023 |
Expected Release >
Plánovaná premiéra |
11/2024 |
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Web |
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Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov |
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Contact > Kontakt |
Festivals > Festivaly |
Sales > Predaj |
KFS production
Most pri Bratislave 134, SK-900 46 Most pri Bratislave
+421 948 629 990,
see main contact |
see main contact |
updated: 03.12.2021 |