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Slovak Film Institute





Fragile Memory
Krychka pamiať
(Krykhka Pamyat)

» ©2022
UA - SK | far. > col. | 85 min. | kreatívny biografický dokument > creative documentary, biopic

Fragile Memory

The famous Soviet cinematographer Leonid Burlaka, who worked at the Odessa Film Studios, suddenly gets diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. At the same time Ihor, his grandson, a young Ukrainian cinematographer, accidentally stumbles across a heavily damaged photo archive of his grandpa’s dating from the Soviet 1960s. The Ukrainian cinematographer Ihor meets a young Soviet cinematographer Leonid who started establishing his career during the 'Khrushchev Thaw’. However, time is running out: soon Leonid will not remember Ihor at all.
V čase, keď sovietskemu kameramanovi Leonidovi Burlakovi diagnostikujú Alzheimerovu chorobu, nájde jeho vnuk, mladý ukrajinský filmár Ihor Ivanko v rodinnom letnom dome osobné a nepublikované dielo starého otca. Leonid Burlaka pracoval od šesťdesiatych rokov ako kameraman vo Filmovom štúdiu Odesa a nakrútil kultové diela, napríklad Miesto akcie nemeniť. Objavenie jeho zabudnutého kufra je vnukovým východiskom na zozbieranie kúskov spomienok starého otca skôr, ako sa nenávratne stratia.

Director > Réžia   Igor Ivanko
Story > Námet Igor Ivanko
Screenplay > Scenár Igor Ivanko
DOP > Kamera Leonid Burlaka, Igor Ivanko, Illia Yehorov
Editors >  Strih Igor Kosenko
Music > Hudba Marek Piaček
Set Design > Architekt  -
Costumes > Kostýmy  -
Sound > Zvuk Martin Merc
Animation > Animácia  -
Cast > Hrajú  -
Filmography > Filmografia Igor Ivanko (1992)
Production > Produkcia Burlaka Films (UA)
Co-production > Koprodukcia Peter Kerekes (SK)
Producer > Producent Alexandra Bratyshchenko (UA), Mariia Ponomarova (UA), Peter Kerekes (SK)  
Budget > Rozpočet 266 420 €
Support > Podpora Audiovizuálny fond, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra

Best Pitch Prize, Odessa Film Festival 2018

Best Work in Progress Prize, Odessa Film Festival 2019

Docs Barcelona Award, East Doc Platform 2019, Prague 

Sunny Side of the Doc, LaRochelle 2019

East Meets West 2019, Trieste

Baltic Sea Docs 2019

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World Premiere >
Svetová premiéra
Krakow Film Festival 2022, Poland / FF Krakov 2022, Poľsko
Expected Release >
Plánovaná premiéra
SK: 06/2022, FILMTOPIA
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Web -
Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov  -


Contact > Kontakt Festivals > Festivaly Sales > Predaj
Burlaka Films
9 Yaroslaviv val str, UA-010 34 Kyiv
+31644402401, +380934671599,

Peter Kerekes
Vištuk 277, SK-900 85 Vištuk
+421 905 255 698

see main contact see main contact

updated: 31.01.2023