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Pitch & Feedback is a presentation of selected Czech and Slovak film projects in various stages of development, with the potential to succeed internationally and to attract foreign co-producers. This annual event taking place in frame of Karlovy Vary IFF industry programme is organized by Czech Film Center, Slovak Film Institute and Karlovy Vary IFF. MIDPOINT Script Center is the partner of the project.

Seven to eight selected projects are pitched by their producers and directors to the group of invited experts – international film industry representatives and decision makers – who are acquainted with the projects beforehand and directly provide the presenters and the audience with their valuable feedback and advice. Consultations behind the closed door are part of the programme as well.

The goal of Pitch & Feedback is to create an effective platform for the selected projects, help them start off in the right direction and attract the attention of international producers and decision makers.

Pitch & Feedback will take place on Tuesday, 5 July 2016 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Laufey Gudjonsdottir - Icelandic Film Centre (fund representative)
Guillaume de Seille - Arizona Productions (producer)
Riina Sildos - EAVE/ AMRION OÜ (training programme representative)
Tine Klint - Level K (sales agent)
Mira Staleva - Sofia Meetings (co-production event representative)


Waiting / Čakanie
scriptwriter, director: Zuzana Liová
production: HITCHHIKER Cinema / Barbara Janišová Feglová /
co-production: Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska (SK), Mimesis Film (CZ), Jana Cisar Filmproduktion (DE)

presented by: Zuzana Liová, Barbara Janišová Feglová, Jan Macola (co-producer: Mimesis Film (CZ))

Ivan has just turned 60. Shorty after he learns that he is dying. His life in a village, clinging to property, his painter job, boring relationship with his wife and the feeling of emptiness come into confrontation with mortality. The sudden banality of life forces him, his wife, and their two adult children to existential questions and searching for authentic feelings. This intimate story about the rediscovery of joy, love and freedom unfolds against the backdrop of an everyday reality where the health-care system is dysfunctional, relations are cold, and spiritual sensibility is all lost.

AIC database link:

Summer with Bernard / Leto s Bernardom
scriptwriter: Martina Saková, Silke Schulz
director: Martina Saková
production: SiLVERaRT / Katarína Krnáčová /
co-production: Projector23 (DE), Tomáš Vach (CZ)

presented by: Martina Saková, Katarína Krnáčová

Jonas (11) is excited to be spending the summer holidays at his grandpa’s place. Grandpa Bernard (57) is a great guy, game for everything – someone you can not only have fun with but also fish with – in places where fishing is prohibited.
But this time he doesn’t seem to be his old self anymore. Since he lost his job, he has started drinking. It won’t be easy to get his old grandpa back.

AIC database link:

The Message / Správa
scenár: Jozef Paštéka
réžia: Peter Bebjak
produkcia: DNA Production / Rasťo Šesták /
koprodukcia: Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska (SK), Česká televize (CZ), Koi Studio (PL)

prezentujúci: Peter Bebjak, Rasťo Šesták, Natália Rau Guzikiewiczová

Reálny príbeh Alfréda Wetzlera, ktorému sa ako jednému z mála podarilo utiecť z koncentračného tábora Osvienčim. Cieľom úteku nebolo zachrániť si len vlastný život, ale podať správu o systematickom vyvražďovaní Židov a zároveň zabrániť deportácií maďarských Židov do koncentračných táborov. Film zobrazuje život v tábore, prípravy na útek, útek samotný, ako aj záchranu Wetzlera a jeho odovzdanie „Správy“.

AIC database link:

updated: 30.06.2016