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Zuzana Belková

Slovak participant: Zuzana Belková
Scriptwriter, working for film and TV, winner of the Slovak national Tibor Vichta Award Screenplay Contest 2008.
Participating film project: Polystyrene

ScripTeast is the only training program designed specifically for filmmakers from Central and Eastern Europe. It is aimed at the development of a script, conducted with help and advice of acclaimed film professionals from all over the world, and addressed to best, experienced scriptwriters from our region.
Out of the 3 editions so far there are 6 films already made and several entering production soon, incl. The House by Zuzana Liova (Slovak Republic), winner of the Krzysztof Kieslowski Award in the 1st edition of ScripTeast. The Award, which also means 10.000 euros for the author, is presented at Cannes Film Festival in the end of each edition.


 odkaz sa otvorí v novom
odkaz sa otvorí v novom okne ScripTeast holds fouth session in Cannes (Film New Europe article)

Articles at AIC:

Slovak scriptwriter Zuzana Liová won the Krzysztof Kieœlowksi Award (2006/2007)

published: May 7, 2010

published: 07.05.2010
updated: 13.05.2010