Slovenčina                                                              11.02.2025, 13:56
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International Film Festival Berlin


Slovak Cinema at 57. Berlinale


Central European Cinema - Stand no 129  





           Czech Rep. - Hungary - Poland - Slovak Rep. - Slovenia
EFM 2007, 1. Floor, Martin Gropius Bau, stand no 129 

contact person: Alexandra Strelková
cell phone: +421 905 730 040


Friday, Feb 9 at 6:00 pm:
BATHORY Welcome Drink

Saturday, Feb 10 at 4:00 pm:
Welcome Drink of the Central European Cinema Stand with our Shooting Stars

Sunday, Feb 11 at 5:30 pm:
ScriptEast Happy Hour with a participant from Slovakia: young scriptwriter and director Zuzana Liova (dir.of the film Silence, y. 2005)

Thursday, Feb 15 at 5:30 pm:
Presentation of East Silver Market including presentation of situation in Slovak documentary filmmaking

Trailers and detailed information about the upcoming Slovak films available all day long

and much more...

.:. top

International Competition

Obsluhoval som anglického kráľa (Jiří Menzel)       

about the film                 

I Served the King of England (Czech Republic, Slovakia), directed by Jiří Menzel, will be screened on Friday Feb 16, at 4:30 pm at Berlinale Palast. Renowned Slovak actors Marian Labuda and Zuzana Fialova will be part of the delegation introducing the film.


Public Screenings:

Fri   feb. 16    at 4:30 pm, Berlinale Palast

Sat   feb. 17    at 9:30 am, Urania 

Sat   feb. 17 at 8:00 pm, International

Sat   feb. 17 at 11:30 pm, Urania


Berlinale website

.:. top

Market Screenings

Bathory (Juraj Jakubisko)      

about the film

EFM Promo Screenings of newest  film project by Juraj Jakubisko - Bathory


Fri   Feb 09   at 1:45 pm, Marriott 1

Fri   Feb 09   at 2:45 pm, Marriott 1

Fri   Feb 09   at 3:30 pm, Marriott 1

W   Feb 14   at 1:30 pm, Marriott 1


Bathory Welcome Drink

Berlinale website

 Rozhovor s nepriateľom (Patrik Lančarič)

about the film

Latest Slovak film Meeting the Enemy, first feature film by a renowned theatre director Patrik Lančarič, will have its market screening on

Thu   Feb 15   at 1:15 pm, Cinemax Studio 14


Berlinale website
official film website

Táňa Pauhofová as Slovak Shooting Star


Slovakia will take part in the project of European Film Promotion for the very first time and present Táňa Pauhofová as its Shooting Star.



Táňa's profile at EFP

Interview with Táňa at Cineuropa

published: 05.02.2007
updated: 27.01.2016