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International Film Festival Berlin


Untravel at Generation 14plus section

Short serbian-slovak animation by Ana Nedeljković and Nikola Majdak Jr. Untravel will be presented in world premiere at Berlinale 2018 at the Generation 14plus section.

Untravel / Neputovanja
RS, SK, / 2018 / 10 min. / animation
Ana Nedeljković, Nikola Majdak Jr
Masa Mileusnic (narrator)
Jelena Mitrovic (RS), Eva Pavlovičová (SK), Peter Badač (SK)
Production:   BAŠ CELIK (RS), Your Dreams Factory (SK), BFILM (SK)

A film about (local) patriotism, tourism and emigration. The girl has lived in a grey, isolated country, enclosed by a huge wall. She has never travelled anywhere, but all her life she has dreamt of leaving forever for a perfect world called Abroad.



Film House Bas Celik, +381641145237,

Your Dreams Factory, +421 949 453 725,




FEB 17 / 15:30 / CinemaxX 3 / WORLD PREMIERE
FEB 22 / 10:00 / Haus der Kulturen der Welt
FEB 24 / 20:15 / Cubix 8
FEB 25 / 15:30 / Cubix 8

About directors:


Ana Nedeljković was born in Belgrade in 1978. She graduated in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. She was awarded a PhD in art practice at the same faculty. She is a visual artist working in the media of drawing, installation and animated film, and is also active in art education.

Nikola Majdak Jr. was born in Slovenia in 1972. He has an MFA from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, DOP department. For the past 20 years he has been a freelance cameraman, animator, director and lecturer.

Their first film "Rabbitland" (2013) was awarded the Crystal Bear at the Berlinale. It has also received numerous other awards and has been shown at more than a hundred festivals worldwide.



  2013: Rabbitland


  Audiovisual Fund, Film Center Serbia

More information at:

published: 29.01.2018
updated: 06.02.2018