Slovenčina                                                              14.02.2025, 05:10
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Visible World | Viditeľný svet

SK / 2011 / 104 min. / fiction
director: Peter Krištúfek


40-year-old loner Oliver works as an air traffic controller. He seems cold and distant to others. His personal life is empty, he fills it by watching TV and by spying on a family living in the house across the street, which he considers the model of happiness. First he only observes them, but with time he wants to know more. He learns that things often aren’t what they appear from a distance.

Cast: Ivan Trojan, Kristína Turjanová, Dagmar Bruckmayerová, Martin Mňahončák, Jana Hlaváčová
Production: JMB Film and TV Production (SK), RTVS - Radio and Television Slovakia (SK)

Peter Krištúfek (1973 – 2018) was a person of many talents but was recognized mostly for his literary works and filmmaking. He graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava with a MA degree in film and television directing. His filmography consists of more than 20 television documentaries, TV drama Long Short Night, feature-length documentary Snapshots and fiction drama Visible World. He was also an established writer publishing short stories in Slovak and Czech literary journals, almanacs and anthologies. In 2002, he published his first book, a collection of short stories entitled An Inaccurate Place. His works received strong recognition and many notable literary prizes. He also moderated radio sessions, composed music and played in the bands EYE and Different Silence.

Contact: JMB Film and TV Production, Milan Stráňava,,

01.7. 2018 17.30  Cinema A

Related AIC articles: 
Interview with director Peter Krištúfek.

updated: 22.06.2018