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Meet Miro Remo (1983), documentary filmmaker, graduate from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Three of his student films were screened at festivals around the world, earning more than 40 awards. To date he has notched his greatest success with an original short portrait of his uncle and grandmother entitled Arsy-Versy (2003). His feature-length documentary debut Comeback (2014), which takes place in the most watched Slovak prison, was premiered at Karlovy Vary IFF in the Documentary Competition. In 2016 he finished two feature films - a satirical documentary Coolture (2016) aiming at the commercialization and trivialization of Slovakia’s cultural milieu after 1989, and a biopic of Slovak singer Richard Müller This Is Not Me.

This Is Not Me is a biographical picture of Richard Müller, Czech and Slovak music legend. What inspired you to shoot this very portrait?
I am not sure This Is Not Me is a biographical film. I would rather say it is a film fatal.

Music of Richard Müller has formed me. He was the only domestic interpret able to compete with foreign production in my discman for many years. His albums Neuč vtáka lietať, 33, LSD, Nočná optika were crucial for me.

In my opinion, Richard's artwork is responsible for how I look on the world. I truly admire his lyrics, view of life, intimate and utter reflection transformed into words. He has reached into the depths of his heart. He has played this match for his albums, fame and fans. We tried to reveal this intimacy in the film.

Richard Müller is loved by Czechs and Slovaks. Do you think it could attract international audience?
The film is about rise and fall. About a star, that once, long ago, shined tremendously and it has drawn the energy from this Big Bang up to the present day. Stars can be seen all around the world. People love them. Most of all the falling ones.

Your feature debut Comeback was world-premiered at Karlovy Vary IFF and now you are returning there with another film. What is your relation to the Festival?
I feel at home in Karlovy Vary. I get to meet a lot of friends and the Festival has charming and vibrant, kind of film-like atmosphere. Furthermore, with my limited ability to communicate in foreign languages, Karlovy Vary IFF is the best pick for me.

Tell us more about an upcoming project you are engaged in at this moment?
There is more than one to mention. I will point out three. Together with scriptwriter Juraj Šlauka I am working on the film depicting an ascent of imaginary peak. The second one is a “lovestory” on a background of amateur autocross races. Last but not least, I will join my father in search for the girls that starred in his film. Thirty three years ago, they were confined to institutional care and my father shot a film about their dreams. We would like to find out where they dreams have steered them.

Personal Quote: Uč se hochu moudrým býti, jinak budeš hovno víti. / Study to be smart, or you'll end up owning fart.
Favourite Word: Pajáda
A Film You Could Watch a Million times:  Red Desert (M. Antonioni, 1964)
Beloved Meal: tuna in olive oil

This Is Not Me by Miro Remo: Documentary Films - Competiton @KVIFF

updated: 29.06.2017