Slovenčina                                                              06.05.2024, 06:12
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SK, CZ – 2013 – 12 min. – animation


director: Matúš Vizár
animation: Matúš Vizár, Adrian Hnát, Martin Búřil, Dan Stanchev, Marek Pokorný
editors: Matěj Šámal, Matúš Vizár, Martin Búřil
sound: Miloš Hanzély
music: Ink Midget
production: BFILM (SK), FAMU (CZ)

They are the product of millions of generations before them and yet they're left all alone in the forest to fend for themselves. One day an all to active primate, the human being, finds them and they quickly becomes a pond in man's games.

contact: Peter Badač / BFILM
+420 776 451 425 (CZ)
screening: MAY 24 / FRI / 11:00 / SALLE BUÑUEL
(available at Short Film Corner, as well)
(*1985, Bratislava)

Matúš Vizár studied animation at The Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia, before attending The Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague, Czech Republic. Besides being a film maker, Vizár is also an illustration artist and political cartoonist.

FILMOGRAPHY 2013: Pandas

BFILM specializes in the development and production of films all genres for cinemas and television. The company´s goal is to help young perspective authors to make their movies and to present them successfully in Slovakia and abroad. BFILM is open to international collaboration, and aims to present Slovak talents with their specific viewpoints, original genre approach and formal style.


The Disappearance by Jan Speckenbach (in pre-production)
Stability by Daniela Krajčová (in development)
by LukᚠKokeš, Petr Hátle, Viera Čakányová, Rozálie Kohoutová, Radovan Síbrt, Bohdan Bláhovec, Klára Tasovská (in production)
The Wonderful Years
by Jana Micenková, Marek Sajdok (in development)


published: 09.05.2013
updated: 13.05.2013