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Screening of a new Slovak documentary

Guests - Hauerland (d. Vladimir Stric)Guests – Hauerland - new documentary by the Slovak director Vladimír Štric will be presented on February 16, 2010 at 6 p.m in the Slovak Institute, Zimmerstrasse 27, Berlin.
The screening is organized in co-operation with the FILM 2000 company, The Embassy of Slovak Republic in Berlin and the German-Polish Association for Integration, under the auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister for Human Rights and Minority Groups of Slovak Republic Dušan Čaplovič and chairman of the Carpathian-German Landsmanschaft Slovakia Walther Greschner.

Hostia – Hauerland | Guests – Hauerland

SK – 2009 - 60 min. – digibeta, original version with German subtitles


Story, Script, Director: Vladimír Štric
DoP: Anton Szomolányi
Music: Hasenica, Ľuboš Ihring
Editor: Eduard Voltmann
Producer: Vladimír Štric
Production: FILM 2000

Guests – Hauerland deals with 800 years of the common journey of Slovaks and Germans in the region of present-day Central Slovakia, in the region called Hauerland.
Through testimonies of three generations of Carpathian Germans, complemented by unique archive footage and photographs, the film maps unknown and dramatic history, leading up to present. It depicts a harsh struggle with nature, gradual civilization of the country, paints a picture of the still unexplored universe named Carpathian Germans. This picture is undoubtedly not only an inseparable part of the Slovak and Central European history, but also an answer to crucial questions concerning European cultural diversity.

published: 09.02.2010
updated: 22.01.2014