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Slovak Film Institute
Hadí plyn Snake Gas
» ©2023 |
CZ – SK | far. > col. | 109 min. | dobrodružná dráma > adventure drama |

A film inspired by Joseph Conrad‘s unique and for
many hard-to-understand novel Heart of Darkness,
tells the story in two different levels: An adventurous
journey and the real picture of the journey inside one’s
soul and its darkness. To be able to peek inside the
soul, we must get close to the dark parts of it and
win the feud with own evil. Snake Gas is a film about
a man‘s own retrospect. He returns to places where
he was before, comes back to prior „deja vus“ and
tries to understand his own behaviour. He also tries to
overcome frustrations and worries of his most intern
instincts and desires.
Román J. Conrada Srdce temnoty rozpráva mimo iných vecí, aj o tom čo spôsobil príchod bieleho človeka do Afriky, čo spôsobilo, keď sa prvý svet rozhodol bez milosti drancovať "tretí svet". Dobrodružstvo inšpirované novelou J.Conrada Srdce temnoty, o hľadaní seba samého uprostred "európskej divočiny". |
Director > Réžia |
David Jařab |
Story > Námet |
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Screenplay > Scenár |
David Jařab |
DOP > Kamera |
Oleg Mutu |
Editors > Strih |
Jan Daňhel |
Music > Hudba |
Jakub Kudláč |
Set Design > Architekt |
Miloš Zimula |
Costumes > Kostýmy |
Sylva Hanáková |
Sound > Zvuk |
Blažej Vidlička, Richard Műller |
Animation > Animácia |
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Cast > Hrajú |
Dalibor Buš, Daniel Fischer, Stanislav Majer, Martin Pechlát, Braňo Mosný, Agi Jókai, Mara Lukama, Lenka Libjaková |
Filmography > Filmografia |
David Jařab
2023: Hadí plyn
2010: Hlava-ruce-srdce
2004: Vaterland
Production > Produkcia |
CINEART TV Prague (CZ) |
Co-production > Koprodukcia |
ARINA (SK), Česká televize (CZ) |
Producer > Producent |
Viktor Schwarcz (CZ), Silvia Panáková (SK) |
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Budget > Rozpočet |
1 106 777€ |
Support > Podpora |
Audiovizuálny fond, Státní fond kinematografie |
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra |
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Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania |
jar / Spring 2022 |
World Premiere >
Svetová premiéra |
Karlovy Vary IFF 2023, Czech Republic / MFF Karlove Vary 2023, Česká republika |
Release >
Distribučná premiéra |
CZ: 09/2023 SK: 11/2023, CinemArt SK |
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Web |
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Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov |
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Contact > Kontakt |
Festivals > Festivaly |
Sales > Predaj |
Jankovcova 1587/8d, Holešovice, CZ-170 00 Praha 7
+420 777 220 364
Dulovo nám. 4, SK-831 03 Bratislava
+421 907 787 945
see main contact |
see main contact |
updated: 02.10.2023 |