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Slovak Film Institute





Olympijský medzičas
Olympic Halftime
(Olympijský mezičas)

» ©2023
CZ - SK - GR - HK | far. > col. | 80 min. | kreatívny dokument > creative documentary

Olympijský medzičas

Olympic Halftime is a documentary, that shows and reflects on the gestalt and economic impact of the Olympic architecture and urban development in several selected locations in Europe and Asia, that have already hosted the event and are preparing for another round. The choice of the cities is balanced so that we can document various examples of pros and cons and the strengths and weaknesses of the Olympics in urban terms. In Europe, we will visit Olympia and Athens as the “birthplace” of both the ancient and the modern Olympics where most stadia are currently decaying, and Paris where the Olympics took place twice and a third edition is in preparation for 2024 on the backdrop of the typically French public protests. What was the benefit of the Olympics for those cities and countries? What are the pros and cons of organising mass sports events? In addition to Europe, we will also visit Asia to watch different approach to organising the Olympics as well as their architectural gestalt and impact on the public space – in Beijing, the citiy that have the organising experience and is now in “half time” of preparations for the upcoming Games Winter Olympics in Beijing in 2022).
Olympijské hry sa v antike konali pravidelne a na jednom mieste na poctu hlavného gréckeho boha Zeusa, ktorý v modernej perspektíve reprezentuje princíp múdreho rozvoja. Staroveká olympiáda bola lokálnou záležitosťou, ale okrem rituálnych vrstiev spočíval jej význam v zdôraznení tohto princípu v najrozvinutejšej spoločnosti tej doby. Počas svojho moderného trvania sa olympiáda prejavuje stále viac nielen rozvojom športu, ale aj špecifického olympijského urbanizmu a architektúry a zanecháva trvalú stopu na tvárach miest i krajiny.

Director > Réžia   Haruna Honcoop
Story > Námet  -
Screenplay > Scenár Haruna Honcoop
DOP > Kamera Lukáš Milota, Jana Hojdová
Editors >  Strih Dimitrios Polyzos, Alexandra Gojdičová
Music > Hudba Ján B. Kladivo
Set Design > Architekt  -
Costumes > Kostýmy  -
Sound > Zvuk Jan Richtr
Animation > Animácia  -
Cast > Hrajú  -
Filmography > Filmografia Haruna Honcoop (1982)
upcoming: Olympijský mezičas
Production > Produkcia D1film (CZ)
Co-production > Koprodukcia VIRUSfilm (SK), 2Kfilms (GR), 70 Plus Production (HK)
Producer > Producent Vít Janeček (CZ)  
Budget > Rozpočet 220 000 €
Support > Podpora Státní fond kinematografie
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra Crossing Borders 2018 (DE)
East Doc Platform 2019 (CZ)
Sunny Side of the Doc 2019 (FR)
Asian Film Financing Forum 2020 (HK)
HAF Goes To Cannes 2020 (FR)
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Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania
03/2020 - 03/2022
World premiere >
Svetová premiéra
Ji.hlava IDFF 2023, Czech Republic / MFDF Ji.hlava 2023, ČR
Release >
Distribučná premiéra
o o
Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov  -


Contact > Kontakt Festivals > Festivaly Sales > Predaj
Újezd 7, CZ-150 00 Praha 5
+420 603 164 232

Grösslingová 69, SK-811 09 Bratislava
+421 951 490 550

see main contact see main contact

updated: 26.09.2023