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Slovak Film Institute
Turnaj snov The Eagles fom Taga (Vulturii din Taga)
» ©2022 |
RO - SK | far. > col. | 72 min. | komédia, sociálny dokument > comedy, social documentary |

In a small Transylvanian village, the postman, the bartender, the chief of police, a few high school students and other locals play football for the 5th league team Vulturul Țaga. Despite their enthusiasm, they have not won a single match in a very long time. The film follows the team throughout one season – at a championship in Romania and during an international tournament in Slovakia – using football as a cover to discover both the life stories of people, their personal hopes and failures, as well as the story of a rural community trapped in a small, anonymous and hopeless world.
V jednej dedinke v Transylvánii hrajú poštár, barman, šéf polície, zopár stredoškolákov a niekoľko ďalších obyvateľov futbal v obecnom mužstve piatej ligy. Napriek zápalu pre hru už dlho nevyhrali žiaden zápas. Film sleduje osudy mužstva počas futbalovej súťaže v Rumunsku a turnajového výletu na Slovensku. Pod rúškom futbalu postupne odhaľuje životné príbehy, nádeje a sklamania jednotlivých postáv, ako aj príbeh tohto vidieckeho spoločenstva, uviaznutého v malom, anonymnom a beznádejnom svete.
Director > Réžia |
Adina Popescu, Iulian Manuel Ghervas |
Story > Námet |
Adina Popescu |
Screenplay > Scenár |
Adina Popescu, Paula Reiselová |
DOP > Kamera |
Iulian Manuel Ghervas, Oliver Záhlava (SK) |
Editors > Strih |
Iulian Manuel Ghervas, Ligia Popescu
Music > Hudba |
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Set Design > Architekt |
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Costumes > Kostýmy |
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Sound > Zvuk |
Stefan Teodorescu |
Animation > Animácia |
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Cast > Hrajú |
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Filmography > Filmografia |
Adina Popescu
2022: Vulturii din Taga
2015: Tatăl meu, Lucian Blaga
2013: Anul Dragonului
2009: Copiii uraniului
Iulian Manuel Ghernas
2022: Vulturii din Taga
2015: Tatăl meu, Lucian Blaga
2013: Anul Dragonului
2009: Copiii uraniului
Production > Produkcia |
Co-production > Koprodukcia |
LEON Productions (SK), Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska (SK), Adjust Media (RO) |
Producer > Producent |
Claudiu Mitcu (RO), Dávid Čorba (SK), Mario Homolka (SK) |
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Budget > Rozpočet |
282 937 € |
Support > Podpora |
Centrului National al Cinematografiei, Adjust Media, Audiovizuálny fond, Ministerstvo kultúry SR, Societatea Romana de televiziune, McCann Erickson, Jysk Romania |
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra |
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Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania |
08/2018 – 08/2019 |
World Premiere >
Svetová premiéra |
Film Festival Kitzbuhel 2022, Austria / Rakúsko |
Release >
Distribučná premiéra |
SK: 11/2022, Forum film |
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Web |
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Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov |
Team Building |
Contact > Kontakt |
Festivals > Festivaly |
Sales > Predaj |
Str. Iancu de Hunedoara 25, 011732 Bucharest, Romania
+40 744 339 488
LEON Productions
Jadranská 41, SK-84105 Bratislava
+421 905 609 173
WE ARE BASCA / Adina Popescu
+40 744 339 488
see main contact |
updated: 17.10.2022 |