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Slovak Film Institute
» ©2019 |
CZ - SK | far. > col. | 73 min. | hybrid |

The film is a reaction to the current wave of post-humanist thinking caused by the development of technology and artificial intelligence as well as the climate crisis. The human species is coming to recognise its insignificance and transience, and human identity has found itself in a crisis. FREM attempts to reflect this feeling and creates a dehumanised and alienated view of landscape and nature beyond the human perception of reality. Incomplete thoughts and fragments of dialogue, diverse music interrupted by rushes and glitches, and the seemingly confused, unanchored camera, create a disturbing, philosophical reflection on the limits of anthropocentric thinking.
„Frem“ je slovo, ktoré nič neznamená, slovo, ktoré iba niečo pripomína. Jeho najbližšou etymologickou konotáciou je staroanglické slovo „fremd“, čo znamená „cudzie“. Pri pokuse vytvoriť univerzálnu umelú inteligenciu sa nevyhneme antropomorfickému uvažovaniu, pretože nemôžeme prekročiť hranice vlastnej mysle. Film FREM je pokusom dostať sa za tieto hranice, pokusom vytvoriť neantropomorfický film. Je to audiovizuálne rekviem za druh Homo sapiens.
Director > Réžia |
Viera Čákanyová |
Story > Námet |
Viera Čákanyová |
Screenplay > Scenár |
Viera Čákanyová |
DOP > Kamera |
Tomáš Klein, Viera Čákanyová, |
Editors > Strih |
Marek Šulík, Viera Čákanyová |
Music > Hudba |
Miro Tóth |
Set Design > Architekt |
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Costumes > Kostýmy |
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Sound > Zvuk |
Dominik Dolejší, Miroslav Tóth, Stanislav Abrahám |
Animation > Animácia |
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Cast > Hrajú |
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Filmography > Filmografia |
Viera Čákanyová
2023: Poznámky z Eremocénu
2020: Biela na bielej
2019: FREM
2014: Slovensko 2.0
2014: Gottland
Production > Produkcia |
Hypermarket Film (CZ) |
Co-production > Koprodukcia |
Punkchart films (SK), DOC-AIR (CZ) |
Producer > Producent |
Nina Numankadić (CZ), Ivan Ostrochovský (SK) |
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Budget > Rozpočet |
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Support > Podpora |
Audiovizuálny fond, Creative Europe - MEDIA, Státní fond kinematografie, Eurimages |
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra |
Eurimages Lab: Works in Progress - Karlovy Vary IFF 2016 |
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Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania |
02 - 05/2017 |
World Premiere >
Svetová premiéra |
Ji.hlava IDFF 2019, Czech Republic / MFDF Ji.hlava 2019, ČR |
Release >
Distribučná premiéra |
SK: 09/2020, Film Expanded |
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Web |
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Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov |
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updated: 02.07.2020 |