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Slovak Film Institute





Lož Angeles
Lying Carpet
(Lažlivij tepih)

documentary » development
SK - HR | far. > col. | 90 min. | dokudráma > docudrama

Lož Angeles

A story follows a group of children that live in an old little village called Beli, in the virgin forest on the Croatian island Cres. The film is set in the universe of children’s games, playing with subjects of lie and belief. In Beli’s church there is an ancient miraculous statue of the Black Madonna. It is worshiped by local women, praying that there will always be children on the island. And then one day, the statue disappears from the church and things that nobody would have expected begin to happen. Kids have to use their power of lies to restore the order.
synopsa SK

Director > Réžia   Željka Suková, Aleš Suk
Story > Námet Željka Suková, Aleš Suk
Screenplay > Scenár Željka Suková, Aleš Suk
DOP > Kamera Aleš Suk
Editors >  Strih  -
Music > Hudba Petr Marek
Set Design > Architekt  -
Costumes > Kostýmy  -
Sound > Zvuk  -
Animation > Animácia  -
Cast > Hrajú  -
Filmography > Filmografia

Aleš Suk (1977)
Upcoming: Lož Angeles

Željka Sukova (1977)

Upcoming: Lož Angeles
2012: Zimsko čudo (spolurež./co-dir. Gustavo Beck)
2011: Marijine

Production > Produkcia Peter Kerekes
Co-production > Koprodukcia Udruga Ukus (HR)
Producer > Producent Peter Kerekes (SK), Aleš Suk (HR)  
Budget > Rozpočet 300 000 €
Support > Podpora MEDIA Programme
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra KVIFF Euroimages Lab (CZ), 2016
o   -o
Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania
leto/Summer 2017
Expected Completion >
Plánované dokončenie
Expected Release >
Plánovaná premiéra
o o
Web -
Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov  -


Contact > Kontakt Festivals > Festivaly Sales > Predaj
Peter Kerekes
Vištuk 277, SK-900 85 Vištuk
+421 905 255 698

see main contact see main contact

updated: 15.05.2020