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Slovak Film Institute
Pivnica The Cellar
» ©2018 |
SK - RU - CZ | far. > col. | 114 min. | dráma > drama |

The marriage of Milan and Táňa Labát is going through a crisis. Their 16-year-old daughter Lenka takes their alienation very hard. But one night will change their lives forever. Lenka is celebrating her 16th birthday, but she never returns home. Milan decides to take the search for his daughter into his own hands. Filled with despair and suspicion, he kidnaps Lenka’s friend Lukáš and imprisons him in a cabin in the forest.
Manželstvo Milana a Táne Labátovcov prechádza krízou. Odcudzenie rodičov ťažko prežíva ich dcéra Lenka. Jedna prázdninová noc im zmení život. Lenka oslavuje šestnáste narodeniny s kamarátmi v susednej dedine, ale domov sa už nevráti. Milan unesie domnelého páchateľa, Lenkinho kamaráta Lukáša. Uväzní ho v chate v lese.
Director > Réžia |
Igor Vološin |
Story > Námet |
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Screenplay > Scenár |
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DOP > Kamera |
Martin Žiaran |
Editors > Strih |
Alexey Slepoff |
Music > Hudba |
Michal Rataj |
Set Design > Architekt |
Miroslav Kráľ |
Costumes > Kostýmy |
Erika Gadus |
Sound > Zvuk |
Jan Paul, Ludvik K. Bohadlo, Vítězslav Jíra |
Animation > Animácia |
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Cast > Hrajú |
Jean-Marc Barr, Oľga Simonova, Jana Oľhová, Ján Mistrík, Milan Ondrík |
Filmography > Filmografia |
Igor Vološin
2018: Pivnica
2014: Skoryy 'Moskva-Rossiya'
2011: Beduin
2009: YA
2009: Olimpius Inferno
2008: Nirvana
Production > Produkcia |
Co-production > Koprodukcia |
Gate LCC (RU), 8heads production (CZ), Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska (SK) |
Producer > Producent |
Lívia Filusová (SK) |
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Budget > Rozpočet |
1 579 271 € |
Support > Podpora |
Audiovizuálny fond, Státní fond kinematografie, Ministry of culture Russian Federation, Eurimages |
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Principal Photography >
Termín nakrúcania |
05/2017 |
World Premiere >
Svetová premiéra |
09/2018, 13. MFF Cinematik, 2018 / 13th Cinematik IFF, 2018 |
International Premiere >
Medzinárodná premiéra |
10/2018, 23. MFF Busan, 2018 / 23rd Busan IFF, 2018 |
Release >
Distribučná premiéra |
SK: 09/2018, Itafilm CZ: 11/2018, Mirius FD |
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Previous Title > Predchádzajúci názov |
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updated: 08.03.2019 |