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Slovak Film Institute
Cez kosti mŕtvych Spoor (Pokot)
» ©2017 |
PL - DE - SE - CZ - SK | far. > col. | 128 min. | dráma > drama |

A retired civil engineer, Duszejko, lives a secluded life in a mountain village close to the border between Poland and the Czech Republic. She is charismatic and eccentric, a passionate astrologer and a strict vegetarian. One day her beloved dogs disappear. On a snowy winter’s night shortly afterwards, she discovers the dead body of her neighbour and, next to it, deer tracks. More men die in a similarly mysterious way. All of them were pillars of the village community, and all were passionate hunters. Were these men killed by wild animals? Or has someone been provoked into pursuing a bloody vendetta? At some point Duszejko herself comes under suspicion…
Hlavnou hrdinkou príbehu je postaršia žena - Janina Duszejko, milovníčka a ochrankyňa zvierat. V jej okolí dôjde v krátkom čase k sérii vrážd, spáchaných za záhadných okolností. Duszejko je presvedčená o tom, že vie kto (alebo čo) má zločiny na svedomí, avšak nikto jej neverí. |
Director > Réžia |
Agnieszka Holland, Kasia Adamik |
Story > Námet |
Olga Tokarczuk |
Screenplay > Scenár |
Agnieszka Holland, Olga Tokarczuk |
DOP > Kamera |
Jolanta Dylewska |
Editors > Strih |
Pavel Hrdlička |
Music > Hudba |
Antoni Komasa-Lazarkiewicz |
Set Design > Architekt |
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Costumes > Kostýmy |
Katarzyna Lewinska |
Sound > Zvuk |
Andrzej Lewandowski, Thomas Huhn |
Animation > Animácia |
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Cast > Hrajú |
Agnieszka Mandat, Wiktor Zborowski, Miroslav Krobot, Patrycja Volny, Tomasz Kot |
Filmography > Filmografia |
Agnieszka Holland
2020: Šarlatán
2019: Obywatel Jones
2017: Pokot
2013: Hořící keř
2011: W ciemności
2009: Janosik. Prawdziwa historia
2006: Copying Beethoven
2002: Julie Walking Home
1999: The Third Miracle
1997: Washington Square
1995: Total Eclipse
1993: The Secret Garden
1992: Olivier, Olivier
1990: Europa Europa
1988: To Kill a Priest
1985: Bittere Ernte
1981: Gorączka
1978: Aktorzy prowincjonalni
Kasia Adamik
2017: Pokot
2017: Amok
2009: Janosik. Prawdziwa historia
2002: Bark!
Production > Produkcia |
Studio Filmowe Tor (PL) |
Co-production > Koprodukcia |
Heimatfilm + CO (DE), nutprodukce (CZ), The Chimney Group (SE), nutprodukcia (SK), Česká televize (CZ) |
Producer > Producent |
Janusz Wachala (PL), Jakub Viktorín (SK) |
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Budget > Rozpočet |
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Support > Podpora |
Audiovizuálny fond, Eurimages, MEDIA Programme (do 2013) , Státní fond kinematografie, Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, HBO Poland, Dolnośląski Regional Fund, National Audiovisual Institute Poland, Svenska Filminstitutet, Film i Väst |
Co-production Forums > Koprodukčné trhy a fóra |
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World Premiere>
Svetová premiéra |
67th Berlin IFF, 2017, Germany / 67. MFF Berlin, 2017, Nemecko |
Release > Distribučná premiéra
SK: 04/2017, ASFK
CZ: 04/2017, CinemArt
PL: 02/2017, Next Film
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Web | |
updated: 28.03.2018 |