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Slovak Documentary Film Awards Week

Slovak documents were awarded at various international film festivals in Europe during the last week: Festival of liberties in Brussels, Memorimage in Reus and One World in Bratislava.

The Journey of Magdalena Robinson
(2008) by Marek Šulík successfully represented Slovak cinema at theFestival of Liberties in Brussels, Belgium, during October 22 - 31, 2009. The festival focuses at the topic of human rights, liberties and values of the universal democracy. The Slovak film, in competition with other 37 documentary films, was awarded with the "Special mention of the Jury".


SK - 40 min. - 2008

scenár: Marek Šulík
réžia: Marek Šulík
kamera: Tomáš Stanek
hudba: Martin Burlas
strih: Marek Šulík
produkcia: Rami Agencia, Slovenský filmový ústav

Slovak photographer Magdalena Robinson is on a journey. A journey to school, a journey to the mountains and to Gestapo. Her journey to the concentration camps and her journey back home. Her journey in time and a journey of faith. Her journey to eternity.

The Slovak documentary Cooking History (2009) by Peter Kerekes continues in its success at the festival Memorimage in Reus, Spain, held during November 4 - 8, 2009. The film was presented by Marek Šulík, the editor, who also took over the award for the Best production. The jury decided to choose this film “for its originality, its controversial and ambitious way of story- telling with a humorous and provocative approach to a serious subject".


AT/SK/CZ - 88 min. - 2009

screenplay: Peter Kerekes
director: Peter Kerekes
DOP: Martin Kolár
editor: Marek Šulík
music: Marek Piaček
production: Mischief films, Peter Kerekes, Negativ, ORF, ČT, STV

The jury decided unanimously again to choose this film “for its originality, its controversial and ambitious way of story- telling with a humorous and provocative approach to a serious subject".

At the 10. edition of the International documentary film festival One World (November 3 - 8, 2009, Bratislava) in the Slovak documenary film 2008/2009 section, the Jury decided to grant an award to the film Afghan women behind the wheel (2009) by Sahraa Karimi. The winner of the Audience Award is the successful document Osadné (2009) by Marko Škop, awarded in Karlovy Vary, as well.


SK - 55 min. - 2009

screenplay: Sahraa Karimi
director: Sahraa Karimi
DOP: Nikol Šuplatová, Sahraa Karimi
editor: Petra Vladyková
production: ALEF Jo Filmštúdio

This film portrays several women from Kabul – the city of men – trying to prove that they are capable of driving a car just as successfully as men are. Metaphorically their journey in search of driving skills is their journey for personal freedom.


SK/CZ - 65 min. - 2009

screenplay: Marko Škop
director: Marko Škop
DOP: Ján Meliš
editor: František Krähenbiel
produkcia: Artileria, Hypermarket Film, STV

Osadné  is a film about an encounter between current top European leaders and the local politicians from the last village on the edge of the European Union.

More information at:

Related AIC articles:
Cooking History excels at Viennale
Cooking History awarded with Golden Hugo at IFF Chicago
Osadné awarded the Best Documentary at IFF Karlovy Vary

published: 10.11.2009
updated: 21.11.2009