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Future Frames in Karlovy Vary with Slovak Participation

FUTURE FRAMES: Ten new filmmakers to follow is a new programme by the European Film Promotion and Karlovy Vary IFF to be introduced at the 50th anniversary edition of the festival (July 3 – 11, 2015). A selection of ten young directors and their films – all in Czech premieres – will be presented to the public, film industry and press during the event running from July 5 - 7, 2015. Slovak upcoming talents will be represented by Martina Buchelová from the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (VSMU) and her short film Green Line.

The new initiative of EFP and the Karlovy Vary IFF aims to highlight and support new generation of upcoming film directors. The group of ten will be given special attention in the festival programme with screening their films, discussions with the public and film professionals and join networking events with Industry representatives at the festival.
The filmmakers were selected by the Programme Department of the Karlovy Vary from nominations of the member organizations of EFP. Martina Buchelová and Green LIne were nominated by the Slovak Film Institute, in collaboration with VSMU.

After 18 years, Future Frames replaces the “Variety Critics’ Choice: Europe Now!” with its spotlight on first- and second-time directors, moving the focus to the youngest filmmaking generation. The programmeis realized with the support of the Creative Europe – Media Programme of the European Union and the respective EFP member organisations.




Green Line (orig. Zelená vlna)
fiction, SK 2014, 12 min
scriptwriter, director: Martina Buchelová
cast: Martina Sľúková, Tomáš Čársky, Emil Lehota
production: FTF VŠMU

Synopsis: Picture of an overworked woman, living alone with her son and old father. She struggles with everyday problems until fantasy wins over her. Or not?

    Martina Buchelová (*1988)
is a student of the Departnemt of Film Directing at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, currently in preparations of her Bachelor film.

School films:
2014: Green Line (Zelená vlna)
2014: Vezmi mi ju domov (Amore Mia)
2012: Ako pelendreky

More information at:
European Film Promotion - Press Release on Future Frames / April 28, 2015

published: 28.04.2015
updated: 30.04.2015