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International Film Festival Berlin


Encounters: White Plastic Sky

Animated feature debut White Plastic Sky (2023) by Tibor Bánóczki & Sarolta Szabó will world premiere in the Berlinale's competition section Encounters.

White Plastic Sky / Umelohmotné nebo / Müanyag égbolt
HU – SK / 2023 / 111 min. / animated feature
Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó
Screenplay:     Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó
DoP:     Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó, Edu Grau
Voices:     Tamás Keresztes, Zsófia Szamosi
József Fülöp (HU), Orsolya Sipos (HU), Juraj Krasnohorský (SK)
Production:   ARTICHOKE (SK), Salto Film (HU), Proton Cinema (HU), Radio and Television Slovakia (SK) 

2123. Faced with diminishing resources, the human race can only survive through a trade-off: at the age of 50, every citizen is gradually turned into a tree. When Stefan discovers that his beloved wife Nora has voluntarily signed up for donating her own body before her time, he sets out on an adventurous journey to save her at all costs.

Slovak Producer:

ARTICHOKE, +421 904 185 692,,



  Films Boutique,,



FEB 16 / 19:00 / CinemaxX 7 *press
FEB 17 / 16:15 / Akademie der Künste *World Premiere
FEB 18 / 13:00 / Cubix 7
FEB 18 / 14:00 / Virtual Cinema 15
FEB 18 / 21:30 / Cubix 9
FEB 19 / 09:00 / CinemaxX 3 *Market Screening
FEB 19 / 12:00 / Virtual Cinema 17
FEB 19 / 10:30 / Cubix 5
FEB 25 / 13:00 / Akademie der Künste




feature debut



  Slovak Audiovisual Fund, mnf - Hungarian National Film Fund, Eurimages

More information:

Related AIC articles:
Interview with Juraj Krasnohorský

published: 08.02.2023
updated: 08.02.2023