How I Became a Partisan world premieres at goEast 2021
The 21st goEast (Festival of Central and Eastern European Film) will present several Slovak and co-production films. Vera Lacková's feature debut How I Became a Partisan will world premiere in the Competition section.
Documentary film How I Became a Partisan investigates the fate of forgotten Roma partisans. The Roma director Vera Lacková’s search is based primarily upon the life-story of her great-grandfather, the Roma partisan Ján Lacko. The autobiographical quest brings the director closer to previously unpublished facts from Slovak history.
The festival program includes two Slovak minority co-productions: the feature film Winter Flies (d. Olmo Omerzu) in the Specials section and the documentary Once Upon a Time in Poland (d. Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda) in the Bioscop section.
Related AIC articles:
Slovak films at the first online goEast 2020
Occupation 1968 world premieres at goEast 2018
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Slovak films at goEast Wiesbaden 2016
published: 15.04.2021
updated: 15.04.2021