Ukrainian film classics in the Lumière cinema
From June 15 to 18, the Slovak Film Institute presents a glimpse at the Ukrainian film treasures.
A unique showcase of the most significant classic Ukrainian films is a part of a wider homage to Ukraine and its film culture. The selection of restored and digitalised films consists of avant-garde films from 1920ties and 1930ties (Earth – r. O. Dovženko, Symphony of the Donbass – r. D. Vertov), romantic drama from the future (Strict Young Man – dir. A. Room), famous war film based on the screenplay by Vanda Vasiljevska (Rainbow – dirr. M. Domskoj) and more remarkable films from following decades.
Showcase Ukrainian Film Classics will be followed by Art Film Fest 2015 programme section Focus: Ukraine presenting the contemporary Ukrainian cinema.
The event is organized upon the intergovernmental cultural agreements between the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Ukraine. Slovak Film Institute organizes this showcase in cooperation with Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre, Ukrainian State Film Agency, the Embassy of Ukraine in the Slovak Republic, and Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic.
15.06. 18:00 Earth * d. Olexandr Dovženko * 1930 *
15.06. 20:00 Symphony of the Donbass * d. Dziga Vertov * 1930 *
16.06. 18:00 Strick Joung Man * d. Abram Room * 1936 *
16.06. 20:00 Rainbow * d. Mark Donskoj * 1944 *
17.06. 18:00 A Spring for the Thirsty* d. Jurij Ilienko * 1965 *
short film: Kiev Frescos * d. Sergej Paradžanov * 1966 *
17.06. 20:00 Long goodbyes * d. Kira Muratova * 1971 *
18.06. 18:00 Flights in Dreams and in Reality* d. Roman Balajan * 1982 *
18.06. 20:00 Fuchzhou * d. Michailo Ilienko * 1994 *
For more information visit Lumière cinema website, Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre website or check Filmoteka bulletin.
published: 09.06.2015
updated: 03.03.2016