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The winners of The Sun in a Net 2019

The Slovak Film and Television Academy (SFTA) granted the Slovak national film awards The Sun in a Net 2019 on Friday, April 5. The most awarded film was The Interpreter (d. Martin Šulík) which won six prizes including the one for Best Fiction Film. Documentarian Marek Kuboš won Best documentary for The Last Self-Portrait and directors Katarína Kerekesová and Ivana Šebestová won Best Animation for the TV special Mimi & Lisa - Christmas Lights Mystery.

Multiple prizes went to filmmakers of Toman (d. Ondřej Trojan) which won in two categories – Best Actress in a Supporting Role and Best Costumes. Insect by Jan Švankmajer also received two Awards in Best Film Sound and Best Art Direction categories. Audience Award won documentary An Extra Something by Palo Kadlečík and Martin Šenc.

The award for the outstanding contribution to Slovak cinema for this year went to the film scriptwriter, theatre, television and film director Ondrej Šulaj.

The ninth edition of Slovak National Film Award The Sun in a Net awarded 9 films of total 14 nominees.


List of Awards and Nominations:

Best Fiction Film
winner: The Interpreter, director: Martin Šulík
producers: Martin Šulík, Rudolf Biermann, Bruno Wagner

>>Insect, director: Jan Švankmajer
producers: Zuzana Mistríková, Ľubica Orechovská, Jaromír Kallista
>>Jan Palach, director: Robert Sedláček
producers: Silvia Panáková, Erik Panák, Viktor Schwarcz, Jan Schwarcz
>>Toman, director: Ondřej Trojan
producers: Ondřej Trojan, Zuzana Mistríková, Ľubica Orechovská

Best Documentary Film
winner: The Last Self-Portrait, director: Marek Kuboš
producers: Marek Kuboš, Tibor Horváth

>>Occupation 1968, directors: Evdokia Moskvina, Linda Dombrovszky, Maria Elisa Scheidt, Magda Szymkow, Stephan Komandarev
producer: Peter Kerekes
>>Válek, director: Patrik Lančarič
producer: Peter Kelíšek

Best Animation
winners: Mimi and Lisa - Christmas Lights Mystery, directors: Katarína Kerekesová, Ivana Šebestová 
producers: Katarína Kerekesová, Martin Vandas
>>Fifi Fatale,
director: Mária Kralovič
producer: Peter Badač
>>Monster, director: Martin Snopek
producer: Martin Snopek

Best Film Direction
winner: Martin Šulík, film: The Interpreter
>>Marek Kuboš, film: The Last Self-Portrait
>>Ondřej Trojan, film: Toman

Best Film Screenplay
winners: Marek Leščák, Martin Šulík, film: The Interpreter
>>Zdeňka Šimandlová, Ondřej Trojan, film: Toman
>>Jan Švankmajer, film: Insect

Best Cinematography
winner: Martin Štrba, film: The Interpreter
>>Tomáš Sysel, film: Toman
>>Martin Žiaran, film: The Cellar

Best Film Editing
winner: Maroš Šlapeta, film: Válek
>>Vladimír Barák, film: Toman
>>Olina Kaufmanová, film: The Interpreter

Best Film Sound 
winner: Ivo Špalj, film: Insect
>>Jiří Klenka, film: Toman
>>Pavel Rejholec, Klaus Kellerman, film: The Interpreter

Best Original Score
winner: Vladimír Godár, film: The Interpreter
>>Michal Novinki,
film: Toman
>>Vladislav Šarišský, film: Válek

Best Art Direction
winners: Jan Švankmajer, Václav Švankmajer, film: Insect
>>Henrich Boráros, film: The Magic Quill
>>František Lipták, film: The Interpreter
>>Tomáš Svoboda, film: Toman

Best Costumes
winner: Katarína Štrbová Bieliková, film: Toman
>>Katarína Hollá, film: The Interpreter
>>Andrea Králová, film: The Magic Quill

Best Make-Up

winners: Juraj Steiner, Zuzana Paulini, film: Talks with TGM
>>Jana Bílková, film: Toman
>>Zdeněk Klika, film: The Magic Quill

Best Actress in a Leading Role
winner: Zuzana Bydžovská (mother, film: Jan Palach)
>>Gabriela Marcinková
(Zuzana, film: Intimate Enemy)
>>Zuzana Mauréry (Edita, film: The Interpreter)
>>Kateřina Winterová (Pesla Tomanová, film: Toman)

Best Actress in a Supporting Role
winner: Kristýna Boková (Milada Třískalová, film: Toman)
>>Zuzana Porubjaková
(Monika, film: Intimate Enemy)
>>Anna Rakovská (Truda, film: The Interpreter)

Best Actor in a Leading Role
winner: Jiří Menzel (Ali, film: The Interpreter)
winner: Peter Simonischek (Georg, film: The Interpreter)
>>Martin Huba
(Masaryk, film: Talks with TGM)
>>Jiří Macháček (Zdeněk Toman, film: Toman)

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
winner: Marián Geišberg (Špilka, film: The Magic Quill)
>>Jiří Lábus
(Borovička, film: Insect)
>>Roman Luknár (Jan Masaryka, film: Toman)

More info:

Related AIC articles:
The Sun in a Net 2012 - winners
The Sun in a Net 2014 - winners
The Sun in a Net 2016 - winners
The Sun in a Net 2018 - winners

published: 08.04.2019
updated: 08.04.2019