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Slovak Season Days - Three Days for Slovak Cinema

Slovak Season Days is a pilot project of Slovak Audiovisual Producers´ Association & Film Europe Agency alongside with Art Film Fest, which focuses on the promotion of the notion of Slovak films within the international market. The event will present Slovak cinematography to selected foreign film distributors and TV buyers during June 23 - 26, 2010 to showcase fresh Slovak movie production as well as to introduce current Slovak cinematography from commercial as well as non-commercial point of view.


Slovak Film Screenings in CINEMAX, Trenčín:

 24/6 THU: 10.30 Broken Promise
13.30 Soul at Peace
15.30 My Husband’s Women
 25/6 FRI: 11.00 Heaven, Hell... Earth
13.30 Blind Loves
 26/6 SAT: 11.00 Music
13.30 Mosquitoes’ Tango

Further Slovak films will be available on DVD in the Showroom, Hotel Praha, Trenčianske Teplice.

Round table discussion, Trenčianske Teplice, Kursalon June 25 at 16.30.
Topic: Distribution of Eastern European films and its limits.
Foreign representatives of various distribution platforms will be discussing the possibilities of Slovak & East-European cinematography and audio-visual projects to travel and be distributed abroad.
The event is open to public.

More information about the Panel Discussion: Slovak Season Days - Round Table Discussion

Participants of the panel:
Igor Palcic, RTV Slovenia
Beatrix Nemeth, Duna TV, Hungary
Martina Santava, HBO Central Europe, CR
Juan Torres, Creative Filmes, Spain
Daniel Goroshko, A-one Film, Russia
Szymon Mioduszewski, Polsat, Poland
Melinda Boros, Clorofilm, Romania
Mikhail Busnyuk, Starlet Media, Sweden
Johannes Palmroos, Stockholm IFF, Sweden
Daniel Chabannes, Epicentre Films, Paris, France
Dominique Welinski, Noos, Paris, France
Ivana Filip, Discovery Film, Croatia
Jusztyna Trozsczynska, Vivarto, Poland
Vladimir Marin, Glob Com Media, Romania

For more information see:
Invitation: Slovak Season Days

The project is realized with the support of the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.

Marta Lamperová – Film Europe Agency, Cell: +420 739 592 040
Zuzana Richterová – coordinator, Cell: +421 905 791282

More information at:

published: 17.06.2010
updated: 17.06.2010