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Slovak films going to Hungary


Three significant events presenting Slovak films will take place in Hungary during November 7 - 13, 2011. The Slovak Film Week will present six Slovak films in Budapest and the traditional Film Seminar for the students of Slovak Language will take place both in Budapest and the Hungarian town Szeged.

The opening film of the Slovak Film Week is Apricot Island, a debut by Peter Bebjak, who willl together with the producer of the film Rasťo Šesták, present it in Budapest personally. The other titles offered to the Hungarian audience are Gypsy by Martin Šulík, Mosquitoes' Tango by Miloslav Luther, Nicky's Family by Matej Mináč, Matchmaking Mayor by Erika Hníková and the archive film Jánošík by Jaroslav Siakeľ, the first Slovak picture celebrating 90 years since its production. The Slovak Film Week will take palce in the Örökmozgó Cinema in Budapest.

November 7 is the opening day for the Film Seminar in Budapest, as well. The event will be based in Budapest till November 9, after that it will move to the Hungarian city Szeged. The programme will consist of some of the titles of the Slovak Film Week, but will also present other new Slovak full-length and short length films.

The Slovak Film Week in Budapest is organized by the Slovak Film Institute, The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Hungary, The Slovak Institute in Budapest and the Hungarian Film and Digital Archive.

The Film Seminar in Budapest is organized by the Slovak Film Institute, The Slovak Institute in Budapest and the Slovak Theatre Vertigo with the support of the Board of the Sándor Werkele Fund.

The organizers of the Film Seminar in Szeged are the Slovak Film Institute, The Association of Szeged Slovaks, The Slovak Theatre Vertigo, Grand Café Cinema in Szeged, supported by the Board of the Sándor Werkele Fund, The Foreign Slovaks Office, Slovak Commune in Szeged and the Community Foundation of the Slovaks' League in Huntary Lipa.

Hungarian Press Release for downlaod

Slovak Film Week programme for download

More information at:


published: 07.11.2011
updated: 09.11.2011