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Slovak films from 70s on DVDs

After success of the dvd collection Slovak Films of 80s (released in Autumn 2006), Slovak Film Institute and Petit Press publisher decided to release new dvd package focused on the  Slovak films of 70s. The collection contains 10 titles considered as the most exciting of the Slovak production in 70s. The first title of the collection was released on September 21st, the last one will be out on November 23rd 2007. To purchase any of the films or whole collection, please visit (Slovak version only). If you need any assistance, please contact us by email at info/ at / Films are in original language with English subtitles.


The collection consists of following titles:

(Please, click here  to activate the direct link for English version of Slovak online Movie Database. )

Medená veža
The Copper Tower
d. Martin Hollý (1970)

Orlie pierko

Eagle Feather  
d. Martin Hollý (1971)

Keby som mal pušku
If I Had A Gun
d. Štefan Uher (1971)

Ľalie poľné
Wild Lilies
d. Elo Havetta (1972)

Pacho, hybský zbojník
Pacho The Brigand Of Hybe 
d. Martin Ťapák  (1975)

Červené víno I., II.
Red Wine I-II
d. Andrej Lettrich (1976)

Ružové sny
Pink Dreams
d. Dušan Hanák (1976)

The Winner
d. Dušan Trančík (1978)

A pobežím až na kraj sveta
And I'll Run To The Ends Of The Earth 
d. Peter Solan  (1979)


Postav dom, zasaď strom
Build A House Plant A Tree

d. Juraj Jakubisko (1979) 




The project was financialy supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.

See also: dvd collection - Slovak Films of 80s


updated: 05.10.2007

published: 05.10.2007
updated: 05.10.2007