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Slovak films awarded in November

Slovak films were doing very well in November - not only they were included to the programmes of various significant film festivals, but they were also granted with awards.

The 14th Black Nights Tallinn Film Festival (24. 11. - 5. 12. 2010, Tallinn, Estonia), which has presented archive Slovak films in the section dedicated to the Czechoslovak New Wave and the latest film of director Jan Švankmajer Surviving Life in the Forum section, also included the Czech-German-Slovak co-production 3 Season in Hell to its EurAsia competition section. The film by Tomáš Mašín from 2009 was granted with the Don Quijote Award, which is given by the FICC Jury (International Federation of Film Clubs).


The film Moon Inside you (2009) by Diana Fabiánová was also successful at festivals in november. At the 15th International TV Festival Bar Montenegro it was awarded with the Grand Prix of the festival. The film will also be released in Canadian cinemas - in the next weeks it will be screened as a part of the Cinema Politica network.



Films by director Pavol Barabáš are also successful at festivals, being granted with awards. His film Bhutan (2008) was awarded at the 15th International Festival of Enviromental Films GREENVISION, taking place in St. Petersburg, Russia, during November 23 - 27, 2010. The recent film by Pavol Barabáš Monogolia - In the Shadow of Ghegis Khan (2010) was awarded at the International Festival of Outdoor Films, taking place in Prague in the last weeks.



The short documentary film by Miro Remo Arsy-Versy (2009) after receiving various awards continues with its festival successes: At the Plus Camerimage festival, which annually honours the work of cinematographers, it received the Central Europe Discovery Networks award.

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Related AIC articles:
New and archive Slovak film in Estonia

published: 08.12.2010
updated: 09.12.2010