Slovak films at the Europe Beyond Europe Film Festival in Paris and Normandy
During March 15 - April 15 the films of Dušan Hanák and some of the new Slovak films will be screened within the 6th edition of the festival "Europe Beyond Europe". The festival is a festival of independent and art films from the extended European continent. The artistically and geographically far-reaching festival presents both contemporary films and films from the 1960′s, films that form the bedrock of the national cinemas of Southern, Central and Eastern Europe as well as Western Europe. The theme for this sixth edition is Heros and Antiheroes.
In Paris the festival takes place at various cinemas and cultural centers of Europe's countries (Hungary, Serbia, Finland, etc.). The festival, however, does not only take place in Paris, but also in Normady (Andé, Bernay, Pont-Audemer). The Slovak director Dušan Hanák will come to Paris to present his films. He will also have a master class: 24. 3. 2011 at 14:00 in L’Institut hongrois (Hungarian Cultural Center).
This year the festival focuses at two European countries: Norway and Slovakia. The participation of the Slovak films is organized by the Slovak Film Institute, the Slovak Institute in Paris is a partner of the event..
322 (322) dir. Dušan Hanák CS - 94 min. - 1969 SCREENING: 24. 3. - Thursday - 14:00 - L’Institut hongrois |
Obrazy starého sveta (Pictures of the Old World) dir. Dušan Hanák CS - 72 min. - 1972 SCREENING: 24. 3. - Thursday - 20:00 - L’Entrepôt |
Ružové sny (Rosy Dreams) dir. Dušan Hanák CS - 76 min. - 1980 SCREENING: 25. 3. - Friday - 19:30 - La Filmothèque du Quartier Latin |
Omša (Mass) dir. Dušan Hanák CS - 14 min. - 1965 SCREENING: 24. 3. - Thursday - 20:00 - L’Entrepôt |
Učenie (Learning) dir. Dušan Hanák CS - 11 min. - 1967 SCREENING: 24. 3. - Thursday - 20:00 - L’Entrepôt |
Kristove roky (The Prime of Life) dir. Juraj Jakubisko CS - 90 min. - 1967 SCREENING: 24. 3. - Thursday - 17:50 - L’Entrepôt |
Slnko v sieti (The Sun in a Net) dir. Štefan Uher CS - 90 min. - 1962 SCREENING: 13. 4. - Wednesday - 20:00 - L’Institut hongrois Mercredi |
Osadné (Osadné) dir. Marko Škop SK / CZ - 65 min. - 2009 SCREENING: 4. 4. - Monday - 19:30 - Maison d’Europe et d’Orient |
Program available for download
More information at:
published: 22.03.2011
updated: 23.03.2011