Slovak Films at IFF Bratislava 2010
International Film Festival Bratislava has been supporting and presenting Slovak cinema since its early editions. Also in 2010, special section on Slovak films Made in Slovakia will present the very recent works by Slovak filmmakers, as well as two films that were made in Slovakia by foreign filmmakers.Fiction, documentary and animation films made by well-known and new names of Slovak film, recent film school graduates will screen their films alongside experienced professionals are included in the selection. Slovakia IFF Bratislava will offer five world premieres and an overview of Slovak film production in 2010.
Outside Made in Slovakia, new Slovak animation film by Vanda Raýmanová Who‘s There (orig. Kto je tam) will take part in the International Shorts Competition. The retrospective section Master will present Jan Švankmajer Down to the Cellar (orig. Do pivnice).
MONGOLIA – IN THE SHADOW OF GENGHIS KHAN (orig. Mongolsko – V tieni Džingischána)
dir. Pavol Barabáš, SK 2010, 61 min., documentary
Mongolia – In the Shadow of Genghis Khan is a journey across the country that had once shaped the
10. 11. 2010 ‐ 13:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
Section: Made in Slovakia |
THE LEGEND OF FLYING CYPRIAN (orig. Legenda o lietajúcom Cypriánovi)
dir. Mariana Čengel Solčanská, SK – PL 2010, 108 min., fiction
A legend about a mysterious monk who allegedly built a flying machine based on Leonardo da Vinci’s lost drawings.
11. 11.2010 ‐ 16:00 (Palace Cinemas, K3, Bratislava)
Section: Made in Slovakia |
PROTECTED TERRITORY (orig. Chránené územie)
dir. Adam Hanuljak, SK 2010, 84 min., documentary
A documentary on the Divadlo z Pasáže theatre group’s three‐week trip to the United States.
10. 11. 2010 ‐ 17:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
14. 11. 2010 ‐ 19:00 (Kasárne, Košice)
15. 11. 2010 ‐ 19:00 (Europa Cinemas 2, Banská Bystrica) ‐ invitation only
Section: Made in Slovakia
AUTOPSY (orig. Obhliadka)
dir. Mariana Čengel Solčanská, SK 2010, 80 min., fiction
Autopsy is a TV drama set in present-day Slovak countryside revealing the complex relationships between a grandfather, his daughter-in-law and his grandson.
Closed screening, by invitation only
Section: Made in Slovakia |
WHO´S THERE (orig. Kto je tam)
dir. Vanda Raýmanová, SK 2010, 10 min., animation
A tale of courage and sense of friendship and about the fact that being with somebody is the best way to be in the world.
9. 11. 2010 – 20:00 (Palace Cinemas, K2, Bratislava)
10. 11. 11 – 22:00 (Palace Cinemas, K2, Bratislava)
11.11. 2010 – 17:30 (Palace Cinemas, K2, Bratislava)
Section: Competition - Shorts
DOWN TO THE CELLAR (orig. Do pivnice)
dir. Jan Švankmajer, CS 1983, 14 min., animation
A modern horror film that, without using any fancy props, manages to furnish an original view on everyday commonplace situations, and evoke the sense of fear only a child can truly experience.
7. 11. 2010 – 18.30 (FK 35 mm, Bratislava)
Section: Master – Jan Švankmajer
NOW THAT WE LOVE YOU (orig. Teraz ťa máme radi)
dir. Peter Hodál, Zuzana Líšková, SK 2010, 50 min., documentary
No one can give you as much as politicians can promise you. And never are there more promises than during an election campaign.
11. 11. 2010 - 15:00 (Palace Cinemas, K2, Bratislava)
15. 11. 2010 – 18:30 (Europa Cinemas 6, Banská Bystrica)
17. 11. 2010 - 18:30 (City Cinemas 4, Žilina)
Section: Made in Slovakia
PETRŽALKA IDENTITY (orig. Identita Petržalky)
dir. Juraj Chlpík, SK 2010, 24 min., documentary
Petržalka Identity is a follow‐up to an exhibition of the same name, presented by Juraj Chlpík on Bratislava’s New Bridge in 2006.
11. 11. 2010 ‐ 17:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
15. 11. 2010 ‐ 18:30 (Europa Cinemas 6, Banská Bystrica)
17. 11. 2010 ‐ 18:30 (City Cinemas 4, Žilina)
Section: Made in Slovakia
STONES (orig. Kamene)
dir. Katarína Kerekesová, SK 2010, 26 min., animation
Stones tells the story of a woman who comes to see her husband in a stone pit, bringing together a man’s and a woman’s world.
11. 11. 2010 ‐ 15:00 (Palace Cinemas, K2, Bratislava)
Section: Made in Slovakia
OUT OF ROUND: WHAT IS BEHIND? (orig. Z kola von: Čo je za tým?)
dir. Jaroslav Vojtek, SK 2010, 30 min., documentary
A film about a man who has lost everything and desperately needs a change.
11. 11. 2010 ‐ 17:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
15. 11. 2010 ‐ 18:30 (Europa Cinemas 6, Banská Bystrica)
17. 11. 2010 ‐ 18:30 (City Cinemas 4, Žilina)
Section: Made in Slovakia
THE BEST DEAL OF MY LIFE (orig. Najlepší obchod môjho života)
dir. Peter Navrátil, SK 2010, 25 min., documentary
The story of a certain Blanka Bergerová and her humiliation and suffering after the Jewish Code was adopted in September 1941.
14. 11. 2010 ‐ 17:00 (Kasárne, Košice)
11. 11. 2010 ‐ 15:00 (Palace Cinemas, K2, Bratislava)
Section: Made in Slovakia
ONEMANSHOW (orig. Onemanshow)
dir. Peter Magát, SK – CZ 2010, 17 min., fiction
A short movie about an artist who is trying to raise money for his projects.
9. 11. 2010 ‐ 19:15 (Palace Cinemas, K1, Bratislava)
11. 11. 2010 ‐ 15:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
13. 11. 2010 ‐ 19:00 (Kasárne, Košice)
15. 11. 2010 ‐ 20:30 (Europa Cinemas 6, Banská Bystrica)
Section: Made in Slovakia
IT’S GONNA BE ALL RIGHT (orig. Bude dobre)
dir. Dana Kojnoková, SK 2010, 24 min, documentary
It’s Gonna Be All Right captures tableaux from the lives of a couple of homeless people.
11. 11. 2010 ‐ 17:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
15. 11. 2010 ‐ 19:00 (Europa Cinemas 2, Banská Bystrica) ‐ invitation only
Section: Made in Slovakia |
Asylum – Short Films (orig. Azyl – krátkometrážna tvorba)
Various authors, 120 min.
12/13. 11. 2010 ‐ 00:00 (Palace Cinemas, K2, Bratislava)
Section: Made in Slovakia
THE HOUSEMAID (orig. Die Haushaltshilfe, Slovak Title: Pomocnica)
dir. Anna Hoffmann, DE 2010, 60 min., documentary
The uncompromising portrait of a young Slovak woman working as home career for an elderly couple in Germany.
10. 11. 2010 ‐ 15:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
14. 11. 2010 ‐ 17:00 (Kasárne, Košice)
16. 11. 2010 ‐ 16:30 (Europa Cinemas 6, Banská Bystrica)
18. 11. 2010 ‐ 18:30 (City Cinemas 4, Žilina)
Section: Made in Slovakia |
MODRA (orig. Modra)
dir. Ingrid Veninger, CA 2010, 80 min., fiction
A charming coming‐of‐age story of two 17 year‐old Canadians on a summer trip to the town of Modra, Slovakia.
9. 11. 2010 ‐ 19:15 (Palace Cinemas, K1, Bratislava)
11. 11. 2010 - 15:00 (SNG, Bratislava)
13. 11. 2010 - 19:00 (Kasárne, Košice)
15. 11. 2010 - 20:30 (Europa Cinemas 6, Banská Bystrica)
Section: Made in Slovakia |
More information at:
Related AIC articles:
Slovak films at IFF Bratislava 2009
published: 03.11.2010 updated: 05.11.2010