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Slovak Films at Cinergia – Forum of European Film in Lodz

15th edition of the Forum of European Cinema taking place November 4 – 12, 2010 in the Polish film town of Lodz reserved broad space for the presentation of Slovak cinema.

Slovak films will be screened in the special section Slovak Film, in the retrospective devoted to the renowned Slovak filmmaker Juraj Jakubisko, as well as in further festival sections such as: Competion of Film Debuts and Premieres; Slovak coproduction films are included also in the section on the Czech Cinema and in the retrospective of the Hungarian filmmaker Márta Meszáros.

Slovak Film Institute is the partner of the presentation of Slovak cinema at the festival.

The festival has been focusing on the presentation of the current and older European cinema, and following this tradition, it will again present the cinematographies of the partner Visegrad countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary) as well as cinemas of Norway and Belgium, in both current films and retrospective, and a special focus on Japan.
In addition to the a.m. retrospectives of Juraj Jakubisko and Márta Meszáros, the personalities and works by Jan Hřebejk, Bent Hamer, Jaco van Dormael, FErzan Ozpetek, Otar Ioseliani and Tinto Brass will be presented.
Special focus will be devoted to the current tred of queer cinema.

Section dedicated to Slovak cinema will present successful fiction and documentary films from 2008 and 2009, individual small focus is devoted to films with the theme of the Slovak national hero Janosik.

FOXES (orig. Líštičky), dir. M. Fornay, CZ – SK – IE 2009
BROKEN PROMISE (orig. Nedodržaný sľub), dir. J. Chlumský, SK – CZ 2009
HEAVEN, HELL...EARTH (orig. Nebo, peklo... zem), dir. L. Siváková, SK – CZ 2009
SOUL AT PEACE (orig. Pokoj v duši), dir. V. Balko, SK – CZ 2009
STRAWBERRY WINE (orig. Wino truskawkowe, Slovak title: Jahodové víno), dir. D. Jablonski, PL – SK 2007

COOKING HISTORY (orig. Ako sa varia dejiny), dir. P. Kerekes, AT – SK – CZ 2009
THE BORDER (orig. Hranica), dir. J. Vojtek, SK 2009
BLIND LOVES (orig. Slepé lásky), dir. J. Lehotský, SK 2008

Jánošík in Film:
JANOSIK, dir. J. Siakeľ, CS 1921, in musical accompaniment by Jorgi Kwartet
JANOSIK I – II, dir. P. Bielik, 1962 – 63
JANOSIK. A TRUE STORY (orig. Jánošík. Pravdivá história), dir. K. Adamik, A. Holland, PL – SK – CZ – HU 2009

Retrospective of Juraj Jakubisko (* 1938)
THE PRIME OF LIFE (orig. Kristove roky), CS 1967
BIRDIES, ORPHANS AND FOOLS (orig. Vtáčkovia, siroty a blázni), CS 1969
INFIDELITY IN SLOVAK WAY (orig. Nevera po slovensky I – II), CS 1981
MILLENNIAL BEE (orig. Tisícročná včela), CS 1983
LADY WINTER (orig. Perinbaba), CS –DE – AT - IT 1985
BETTER TO BE RICH AND HEALTHY THAN POOR AND SICK (orig. Lepšie byť bohatý a zdravý ako chudobný a chorý), CS 1992
BATHORY (orig. Bathory), SK – CZ – UK – HU, 2008

BRATISLAVAfilm, dir. J. Kroner, SK 2009

MUSIC (orig. Muzika), dir. J. Nvota, SK – DE 2007

In the programme dedicated to Czech Cinema, the coproduction film by Juraj Herz T.M.A. (CZ – SK 2009) will be presented. The Hungarian dircetor´s Marta Meszáros retrospective will include the coproduction film UNBURIED DEAD (HU – SK – PL 2004).

More information at:

published: 04.11.2010
updated: 04.11.2010