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Slovak Films at 25th edition of IFCF Febiofest

25th edition of International Film Clubs Festival Febiofest (March 15 – 29, 2018) will kick off in a few days. Touring festival starts in Bratislava and then continues to Banská Bystrica, Kežmarok, Košice, Levice, Martin, Poprad, Prešov, Prievidza, Trenčín and Trnava.

Competition section In the Heart of Europe is focused on short films from V4 countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland) along with our close neighbor, Austria. Five Slovak films were selected: A Short Film About Caring (d. Alexandra Gojdičová), Idiot (d. Martina Buchelová), I want to Believe (d. Matúš Ryšan), animation Fifi Fatale (d. Mária Kralovič) and documentary 43 Years of Bratislava Metro (d. Lucia Kašová).

Slovak Film Landscape section will present the premieres and pre-premieres of the latest Slovak films and television projects, introduced by the filmmakers themselves. After world premiere at IFF Rotterdam, two Slovak co-production films will be presented to Slovak audience: Insect by Jan Švankmajer and The Flower Shop by Ruben Desiere. Freedom (d. Jan Speckenbach) will be released into Slovak distribution after world premiere at Locarno IFF. Slovak Film Landscape section will also introduce documentaries Constructing Slovakia: Winter Harbour (d. Bibiana Beňová), Elsewhere (d. Juraj Nvota, Marian Urban), Bright Spot (d. Dušan Trančík), My Name is Hungry Buffalo (d. Pavel Jurda) and Válek (d. Patrik Lančarič). A special screening of Gypsy (d. Martin Šulík) will be held within this section as well. Production designer František Lipták will host the screening with an introduction and a discussion with the director himself.

Experimental cinema has its own place in the section Limitless which focuses on films with innovatine approach to narration or visuals. Part of the section is Other Visions (SK) - selection of 8 videos - poetic-meditative considerations, space intervention or simple and playful short videos. The selection was curated by film theorist Eva Filová.

Furthermore, Viktor Kubal´s second animated feature film The Bloody Lady will be screened within The Mirror of the Past section. The screening will be accompanied by live music performed Talent Transport, a trio of musicians comprising Vladislav “Slnko” Šarišský, Marián Slávka and Filip Hittrich. Another archive film - Rosy Dreams by Dušan Hanák will be screened within the Club Jukebox section. The film was selected by young Slovak actors Noël Czuczor a Dominika Morávková.

Children´s Film Cabinet , an interactive educational project by Association of Slovak Film Clubs will for the first time screen 4 episodes of animated series Ka-Boom! (d. Veronika Kocourková) as well as common project of the Academy of Performing Arts and Slovak Film Institute entitled Images of/against Extremism. Film selection consists of short documentaries: Upre Roma (d. Dimitrij Plichta), Soňa and Her Family (d. Daniela Rusnoková), They are Personally Responsible for the Crimes Against Humanity! (d. Ján Kadár) and animation Carpenter (d. Michal Toporcer).

Last but not least, the launch of the book Censorship and Documentary Cinema Post-1989 by Martin Palúch will be held during Febiofest. The publication deals with various forms and manifestations of censorship which appeared in post-1989 Slovakia and were affecting documentary cinema. The book will be published with the support of Slovak Film Institute.

The Evening of filmologic magazine Kino-Ikon which is co-edited by SFI will be held at Cinema Lumiere on Tuesday March 20th at 8 pm. On this occasion, with the participation of friends and editorial board of the magazine, the festival will introduce the unique work of a French director, screenwriter, cinematographer, editor and anthropologist Jean Rouch in Kino Ikon + section.


Related AIC news:
Slovak Films at Febiofest 2017


published: 13.03.2018
updated: 14.03.2018