Slovak Pictures and Dreams in Finland under the auspies of Aki Kaurismäki
Slovak Film Evenings 2012, subtitled Pictures and Dreams - The Most Awarded Slovak Films is the title of the showcase of some of the most significant Slovak films in Helsinki and Tampere, Finland, taking place at the end of March. Finnish audience will have a unique chance to see 6 full-length and 4 short animation Slovak films. The first part of the event will be held March 20 - 22, 2012 in Kino Andorra in Helsinki, after which it will move to the Niagara Arthouse Cinema in Tampere, March 26 - April 4, 2012. The event is held under the auspices of the world-known film director Aki Kaurismäki and H. E. the Ambassador of Slovak Republic in Finland Mr. Juraj Podhorský.The classic Slovak cinema will be represented by the archive films The Boxer and Death (1962) by Peter Solan and I Love, You Love (1980) by Dušan Hanák. The contemporary Slovak documentaries will be represented by the very successful titles Blind Loves (2008) by Juraj Lehotský and Cooking History (2009) by Peter Kerekes. The contemporary fiction film will be introduced by the last years' hits The House (2011) by Zuzana Liová and Gypsy (2011) by Martin Šulík. In addition to full-length production, the programme consist of a selection of short animation films, as well: In the Cube (1999) by Michal Struss, Four (2007) by Ivana Šebestová, Stones (2010) by Katarína Kerekesová and The Last Bus (2011) by Ivana Laučíková and Martin Snopek.
The Gala Opening will be held March 20, 2012 in Kino Andorra in Helsinki, with screenings of The Last Bus, Four and The House. Film director Zuzana Liová, actress Judit Bárdos and the animation filmmaker Ivana Šebestová will personally present their films.
The organizer of the event is the VLNA civic, in co-operation with the Ambassy of the Slovak Republic in Finland. The general partner of the event is the Slovak Film Institute, additional partners are Arkadin Film Society, Pirkanmaa Film Centre, Artileria and the Institute of Theatre and Film Research of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The event was finacially supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.
Press release in English
Press release in Finnish
Classic Slovak Cinema | THE BOXER AND DEATH (orig. BOXER A SMRŤ) CS - 110 min. - 1962 - fiction director: Peter Solan |
SCREENINGS: 21. 03. - Wednesday - 18:00 - Andorra, Helsinski 29. 03. - Thursday- 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
I LOVE, YOU LOVE (orig. JA MILUJEM, TY MILUJEŠ) CS - 97 min. - 1980 - fiction director: Dušan Hanák |
SCREENINGS: 22. 03. - Thursday- 18:00 - Andorra, Helsinski 04. 04. - Wednesday - 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
Contemporary Slovak Documentaries | BLIND LOVES (orig. SLEPÉ LÁSKY) SK - 77 min. - 2008 - documentary director: Juraj Lehotský |
SCREENINGS: 20. 03. - Tuesday - 16:30 - Andorra, Helsinski 02. 04. - Monday - 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
COOKING HISTORY (orig. AKO SA VARIA DEJINY) AT / SK / CZ - 88 min. - 2009 - documentary director: Peter Kerekes |
SCREENINGS: 21. 03. - Wednesday - 20:00 - Andorra, Helsinski 31. 03. - Saturday - 13:00 - Niagara, Tampere |
Contemporary Slovak Fiction Films | THE HOUSE (orig. DOM) SK / CZ - 100 min. - 2011 - fiction director: Zuzana Liová |
SCREENINGS: 20. 03. - Tuesday - 18:00 - Andorra, Helsinski 28. 03. - Wednesday - 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
GYPSY (orig. CIGÁN) SK / CZ - 107 min. - 2011 - fiction director: Martin Šulík |
SCREENINGS: 22. 03. - Thursday - 20:15 - Andorra, Helsinski 26. 03. - Monday - 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
Contemporary Slovak Short Animtions | IN THE CUBE (orig. V KOCKE) SK - 6 min. - 1999 - animation director: Michal Struss |
SCREENINGS: 21. 03. - Wednesday - 18:00 - Andorra, Helsinski 29. 03. - Thursday - 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
FOUR (orig. TYRI) SK - 15 min. - 2007 - animation director: Ivana Šebestová |
SCREENINGS: 20. 03. - Tuesday - 18:00 - Andorra, Helsinski 04. 04. - Wednesday - 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
STONES (orig. KAMENE) SK - 26 min. - 2010 - animation director: Katarína Kerekesová |
SCREENINGS: 22. 03. - Thursday - 18:00 - Andorra, Helsinski 02. 04. - Monday - 16:30 - Niagara, Tampere |
THE LAST BUS (orig. POSLEDNÝ AUTOBUS) SK - 16 min. - 2011 - animation director: Ivana Laučíková, Martin Snopek |
SCREENINGS: 20. 03. - Tuesday - 18:00 - Andorra, Helsinski |
More information at:
Related AIC articles:
The Last Bus receiving the Grand Prix in Tamepre
published: 14.03.2012
updated: 14.03.2012