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Slovak Animation at Anifilm Trebon 2015

The 6th edition of the International Festival of Animated Films Anifilm in Trebon, Czech Republic (May 5 – 10, 2015) introduces an interesting official competition program as well as a platform for film professionals Visegrad Animation Forum.

Slovak films in the programme of Anifilm


Slovak animation is represented in three competition sections of the festival. Nina by Veronika Obertová and Michaela Čopíková is included in the International Competition of Short Films; two Slovak student animations, Half Puppet (orig. Polobábka) by Jasmine Elsen and Aion by Petra Heleninová, both from the Animation Department of the Film and TV Faculty of VŠMU in

Bratislava were selected for the International Competition of Student Films. Videocip DVA: No Survi by Andrej Kolenčík and Peter Skala is presented in the International Competition of Music Videos.

Maroš Brojo, the artistic director of Fest Anča International Animation Festival in Žilina, is one of three member of the jury for the International Competition of musicvideos and non-narative, experimental and boundary forms of animation.

Anifilm programme introduces also Works in Progress, the presentation of upcoming full-length animation films. This year, Slovak project Heart of a Tower (orig. Srdce veže) by Peter Budinský, produced by plutoon production company, will be presented alongside with Insects (orig. Hmyz) by Jan Švankmajer and The Great Adventures of Rosa and Dora (orig. Velká dobrodružství Rosy a Dory) by Martin Duda.

Visegrad Animation Forum with Slovak Participation

On May 6-8, Anifilm hosts Visegrad Animation Forum, film industry and market access platform for film professionals active in animation, with the aim to attract new partners, producers, broadcasters, and film distributors and assist in finding ways of financing both short, animated features and TV series. In addition, Another important objective is to improve the practical abilities of animated film authors and producers and to seek and offer connections among film professionals, authors and television producers and distributors from different countries.  

Two Slovak projects are included in the selection for the pitching forum of short film sin development: Nočná, presented by the director Andrej Gregorčok and the script-writer Lukáš Sigmund (prod: Banda)and There Once Was a Sea...(orig. Bolo raz more), an animated documentary presented by its director Joanna Kozuch and the producer Eva Pavlovičová (prod. Bfilm, plackartnyj).

Non-competition pitching session dedicated to TV series in production will aslo feature the Slovak series Drobci by two directors, Vanda Raýmanová and Michal Struss.

In this year´s jury in the pitching competition for TV series in development, Slovak public broadcaster Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS) is present, namely by Vaclav Mika, the general manager of RTVS, and Tibor Búza, the programme manager ot RTVS.

Two discussion roundtables on current topics take place during VAF:
Who supports animation? What are the options for minority coproductions in central and Eastern Europe? with the presence of Katarina Kerekesova representing Slovakia;
and a debate on What do TV broadcasters look for? with Slovak public broadcaster representatives, Václav Mika and Tibor Búza (RTVS).

Last but not least, VAF introduces a new project, the Visegrad Animation Ralley, a DVD conlipation of 8 of the best student and debut aniumated films from the Visegrad countries from 2014 and 2015. Two Slovak animation films are included in the DVD collection: Fongopolis, debut by Joanna Kożuch and student film by Kamila Kučíková In Line (orig. V rade).

Slovak participation at VAF is coordinated by the Slovak Association of Animation Producers (APAF), with the support of the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.

For more information, see:

published: 03.05.2015
updated: 05.05.2015