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Peter Solan in 3x3 at TIFF Cluj

13th Transilvania IFF (30. 5. – 8. 6. 2014) in Cluj-Napoca, Romania features a very distinct program of Slovak films. After the successful Focus section dedicated to both archive and new Slovak films in its previous edition, this year, TIFF-audiences have a chance to discover one the great masters of Slovak cinema and of the Czechoslovak New Wave Peter Solan (1929 – 2013).

Solan´s works are presented within the distinct 3x3 tribute section of the festival, together with Nicolas Philibert and Iulian Mihu.

Tribute to Peter Solan presents three films of the director, which represent three different aspects of his works, all three films will be presented in their digitally restored versions from brand new CP prints.

The Devil Never Sleeps (Čert nespí, 95 min, CS 1956) debut film by Solan (co-directed by František Žáček, who directed one of the three mani short stories) is the first Slovak film satire.

The Boxer and Death (Boxer a smrť, 102 min, CS 1962), is a unique adaptation of Józef Hen´s novel, with deep human insight capturing the humiliating of people during fascist regime in concentration camps.

Before Tonight Is Over (Kým sa skončí táto noc, 91 min, CS 1965) Solan´s masterpiece, created in collaboration with his congenial colleague, scriptwriter and dramaturge Tibor Vichta, in which the characters – by means of actors´ improvisation, used in Slovak cinema for the first time - gradually reveal unfulfilled dreams, illusions and disappointments of “average” people of those times.
The restored version of the film was premiered at Karlovy Vary IFF 2013 in the section Treasures from the Film Archives - Out of the Past.

I came across Before Tonight is Over last year, when I was preparing the Focus on Slovakia and it was a wonderful revelation. It´s a very modern and incredibly fluid film – one of my favorite from this edition.”, says artistic director Mihai Chirilov.

In addition, further three Slovak co-production films are included in the festival program, in connection with the Focus section dedicated to the Czech cinema, this year:
Velvet Terrorists (Zamatoví teroristi, Pavol Pekarčík, Ivan Ostrochovský, Peter Kerekes, 87 min, SK – CZ – HR 2013, documentary)

What´s Up, Doc? - Normalization (Kauza Cervanová, Robert Kirchhoff, 100 min, SK – CZ 2013, documentary)

Eye For an Eye - Honeymoon (Líbánky, Jan Hřebejk, 92 min, CZ-SK 2013, fiction)

For more information about Transilvania IFF, see:

Related links:
AIC - 2013: Transilvania Focuses on Slovak Cinema

published: 29.05.2014
updated: 22.10.2014