Occupation 1968 world premieres at goEast 2018
The 18th edition of Film Festival goEast (April 18 24, 2018) will present a sample of Central and Eastern European Cinema to German audience. Czech-Slovak co-production Ice Mother by Bohdan Sláma is selected for Competition and creative documentary Occupation 1968, produced by Slovak documentarian Peter Kerekes will be introduced in world premiere.
Co-production Ice Mother (d. Bohdan Sláma) will compete with ten most remarkable fiction features and six documentaries of the last two production years. The film recently took home six Czech Lion Awards and Slovak actress Zuzana Kronerová won Slovak national film Award The Sun in a Net for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
Roadmovie The Interpreter by Martin ulík and second feature film Little Harbour by Iveta Grófová will be presented within the Specials section, focused on contemporary new jewels from the festival circuit and old treasures from the archives. Both films were world premiered at Berlinale IFF where Little Harbour won the Crystal Bear award.
Section Praha 1968 presents films reflecting Eastern and Central Europe of the late Sixties and films that were made at this time. The Man Who Lies (d. Alain Robbe-Grillet) plays with the rules of storytelling and the line between truth and lie. Co-production documentary Occupation 1968 (r. Evdokia Moskvina, Linda Dombrovszky, Maria Elisa Scheidt, Magda Szymkow, Stephan Komandarev), produced by Peter Kerekes will be introduced in world premiere. Five short films, shot from perspectives of the countries from within the Warsaw Pact that occupied Czechoslovakia in 1968, are connecting into one documentary about the Occupation, as seen through the eyes of the occupiers.
The organizers of the festival have decided to present recent films that are bringing together cinematic treats that delighted audiences in theatres and at festivals. Bioskop section will introduce The Line (d. Peter Bebjak) with more than 300 thousand viewers in domestic cinemas in 2017 and six The Sun in a Net Awards including Best Feature Film. Insect, the other selected film, by legendary filmmaker Jan vankmajer, world premiered at prestigious 47th IFF Rotterdam combines feature with elements of animation.
Feature films in AIC database:
Ice Mother (d. Bohdan Sláma): http://www.aic.sk/slovak-films/19680.html
Insects (d. Jan vankmajer): http://www.aic.sk/slovak-films/20702.html
Little Harbour (d. Iveta Grófová): http://www.aic.sk/slovak-films/16770.html
The Interpreter (d. Martin ulík): http://www.aic.sk/slovak-films/21865.html
The Line (d. Peter Bebjak): http://www.aic.sk/slovak-films/16796.html
Occupation 1968 (d. Evdokia Moskvina, Linda Dombrovszky, Maria Elise Scheidt, Magda Szymkow, Stephan Komandarev): http://www.aic.sk/slovak-films/22111.html
Related AIC articles:
The Sun in a Net 2018 - winners
Filthy meets The Teacher in Main Competition of goEast 2017
Slovak films at goEast Wiesbaden 2016
published: 16.04.2018
updated: 16.04.2018