New and archive Slovak Films in Estonia
The 14th edition of the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn, Estonia, held during November 19 - December 12, 2010, will present not only the successful new Slovak films - Surviving Life (dir. J. Švankmajer) and 3 Seasons in Hell (dir. T. Mašín), but also a section dedicated to the Czechoslovak New Wave.
Besides the Czech film by Miloš Forman, Věra Chytilová, Jan Němec, Ivan Passer and Vojtech Jasný, some of the classics of the Slovak cinema and films of representatives of the Slovak New Wave will be screened in this section: The Sun in a Net by Štefan Uher, 322 by Dušan Hanák, Dragon's Return by Eduard Grečner, The Prime of Life by Juraj Jakubisko and Celebration in the Botanical Garden by Elo Havetta. The films will be presented by the film theorist era Langerová.
3 Seasons in Hell (dir. Tomáš Mašín, 2009) is included to the Official CompetitionEurAsia and the films premiered at Venice IFF Surviving Life (dir. Jan Švankmajer, 2010) will be screened in the Forum section.
Slovak Films in the Programme
Slnko v sieti (The Sun in a Net) |
322 (322) |
Drak sa vracia (Dragon's Return) |
Kristove roky (The Prime of Life) |
Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade (Celebration in the Botanical Garden) |
3 sezóny v pekle (3 Seasons in Hell) director: Tomáš Mašín CZ / DE / SK - 110 min. - 2009 SCREENINGS: 2. 12. - Thursday - 22:30 - Coca Cola Plaza 2 (Tallinn) |
Prežiť svoj život (Surviving Life) director: Jan Švankmajer CZ / SK - 105 min. - 2010 SCREENINGS: 4. 12. - Saturday- 22:30 - Coca Cola Plaza 2 (Tallinn) |
More information:
download programme
Slovak Films in the Czechoslovak
New Wave section
published: 19.11.2010
updated: 26.11.2010