National Film Awards 2006
In December 8th, Slovak Film and Television Academy awarded best achievements in Slovak film industry for 2004-2005. |
(photo: Ctibor Bachratý)
cinematographer Stanislav Szomolányi and film critic Pavel Branko
Best feature film
Slnečný štát / The City of the Sun (d. Martin Šulík)
best director
Martin Šulík (film Slnečný štát / The City of the Sun about the film)
best actress
Anna Geislerová (film Šílení / Lunacy about the film)
best actor
Jan Tříska (film Šílení / Lunacy)
best script
Martin Šulík and Marek Leščák (film Slnečný štát / The City of the Sun)
best cinematography
Juraj Galvánek (film Šílení / Lunacy)
best editing
Jiří Brožek (film Slnečný štát / The City of the Sun)
best sound
Peter Mojžiš (film Slnečný štát / The City of the Sun)
best original score
Vladimír Godár (film Slnečný štát / The City of the Sun)
Achievement in Art Direction
Jan a Eva Švankmajerovi (film Šílení / Lunacy)
best animated film
Nazdravíčko! / Cheers! (d. Ivana Zajacová and Jozef Mitaľ)
best documentary film
Amazonia vertical (d. Pavel Barabáš)
Кукушка / Kukushka (d. Alexander Rogožkin; Slovak distributor ASFK)
published: 12.12.2006
updated: 13.12.2006