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International Film Club Festival Febiofest kicks off

The 24th International Film Clubs Festival Febiofest (March 2 – 8, 2017) kicks off with strong presence of Slovak films.

The competition section of the 24th edition of IFCF Febiofest In the Middle of Europe introduces a fascinating selection of fiction, documentary, animated and experimental films from the V4 countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland) along with our close neighbor, Austria. The pick includes these Slovak shorts: Chilli (d. Martina Mikušová, 2016, SK), The Test (d. Gregor Valentovič, 2016, SK/CZ), Triptych (d. Matúš Ryšan, Michal Ďuriš, Ondrej Hraška, 2016, SK), About My Sister (d. Barbora Sliepková, 2016).

A recent film and TV production is showcased in the Slovak Film Landscape. The section honoures two Slovak filmmakers: animator Viktor Kubal and screenwriter Albert Marenčin. Eleven films are screened within the slice: Ice Mother (d. Bohdan Sláma, 2017, CZ/FR/SK), The Wolf from Royal Vineyard Street (d. Jan Němec, 2016, CZ/SK/FR), Brigand Jurko (d. Viktor Kubal, 1976, CS), Budujeme Slovensko: Cukrovar v Šuranoch (r. Peter Kerekes, 2017, SK), Fighting Corruption (d. Róbert Šveda, 2016, SK), Little Harbour (d. Iveta Grófová, 2017, SK/CZ), Hotel Sunrise (d. Mária Rumanová, 2016, SK), A Song about the Gray Pigeon (r. Stanislav Barabáš, 1961, CS), Spoor (d. Agnieszka Holland, 2017, PL/DE/CZ/SWE/SK), A Hole in the Head (d. Robert Kirchhoff, 2016, SK/CZ), and Czech Allah (d. Zuzana Piussi, 2016, CZ).

Personalities of Club Film introduces three renowned filmmakers: Agnieszka Holland, Lubor Dohnal and Miroslav Janek. Within the section Glass Paintings (d. Lubor Dohnal, 2008, SK) and Jánošík. The True Story (d. Agnieszka Holland, Kasia Adamik, 2009, SK/PL/CZ/HU) will be shown.

The Mirror of the Past takes in another Slovak joyful film Sweet Amusment of Past Summer (d. Juraj Herz, 1969, CS). The section includes educational editorial project Images of/against Extremism, founded by the educators from the Department of Audiovisual Studies at the Faculty of Film and Television, Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Through eight key themes (racial and ethnical hatred, religious intolerance, nationalism, political power, holocaust, media manipulation, life in exile, fear of sexuality and otherness), they decided to confront both past and present forms of extremism. The whole project and the selected collection of films will be presented by the film historian and teacher Eva Filová.

Club Jukebox section, compiled according to the results of the audience votes, screens Slovak title Richard Müller: Unknown (d. Miro Remo, 2016, SK/CZ), as one of the five films.

Film Cabinet to Children prepares the screening of popular TV series The Tots (d. Vanda Raýmanová, Michal Struss, 2016, SK).

Febifest also continues with the project EXPERIMENTAL, a project aiming to address experimental film lovers as well as audiences, which haven’t yet had a chance to find their way towards this essential subcategory of cinema. This year’s section will, apart from other things, introduce the very first volume of Other Visions Slovakia, a national competition of motion pictures. Apart from competent introductions before each screening and live discussions afterwards, they will be accompanied by texts on the website Kinečko – online world of film.

Related AIC news:
Slovak Films at Febiofest 2016

published: 28.02.2017
updated: 01.03.2017