Slovenčina                                                              23.01.2025, 12:04
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Four Slovak films celebratating the 20th anniversary of V4 in Brussels

Best of Visegrad Cinema is a project that reflects and evaluates the cooperation of the Visegrad countries in the field of cinematography. The project will present to the widest general public possible the best of the Visegrad cinematography produced in the past years.

The festival will take place in Cinéma Vendôme in Brussels, one of the members of the network Europa Cinemas.

Prior to the Gala Opening (21. 3.) a small press conference will take place in Cinéma Vendôme, presenting the representatives of the film institutes / centers and film directors from each country. Slovakia will be represented by Miroslav Ulman (SFÚ) and the director Peter Kerekes.  The European political representatives present at the panel discussion „Quo vadis, Visegrad?“ will be invited to the Gala Opening.  Each country will present 4 films: film that acquired the best visit rate in the home country, film with the best international success at film festivals, the best documentary film and a film for youth and children. Slovak participants are Bathory, Blind Loves, Cooking History and Thomas the Falconer.

The festival is a 7 days project, with 16 films screened in total. Two screenings (19:00 and 21:00) will take place every working day and 4 screenings on the weekend days with two screenings of the films for children and youth at 14:00 and 16:00, and two regular screenings at 19:00 and 21:00. The capacity of the movie theatre is 183 seats.

dir. Juraj Jakubisko
SK/CZ/UK/HU - 138 min. - 2008

24. 3. - Thursday - 19:00 - Cinéma Vendôme
  Blind Loves
dir. Juraj Lehotský
SK - 75 min. - 2008

27. 3. - Sunday - 19:00 - Cinéma Vendôme
  Cooking History
dir. Peter Kerekes
AT/SK/CZ - 88 min. - 2009

23. 3. - Wednesday - 21:00 - Cinéma Vendôme
  Thomas the Falcolner
dir. Václav Vorlíček
SK/PL/FR/HU/CZ - 96 min. - 2000

26. 3. - Saturday - 14:00 - Cinéma Vendôme/PL/FR/HU/CZ

Program of the event

Press kit in English

Press kit in French

More information at:

published: 17.03.2011
updated: 17.03.2011