Almost 30 Slovak films at Fest Anča
12th Fest Anča International Animation Festival in Žilina will present almost 30 Slovak films from June 27 to June 30, 2019.
Five Slovak films are competing for international awards. Kamila Kučíková’s 300 g/m2 is selected in International Competition of Short Films; Housing-Estate Dream by Katarína Krajčiová and Flush It Out by Marian Vredík and Jana Vredík Hirnerová are among the best music videos; while Veronika Kocourková’s Avalanche and Martin Smatana’s The Kite will have a chance to win Anča Kids’ Award.
Competition of Slovak Films will present eight films including 300 g/m2, Flush It Out, Avalanche, and The Kite. The other four nominated films are Fifi Fatale (d. Mária Kralovič), I Am Not Playing Anymore (d. Matej Babic), A Date (d. Michaela Mihalyi), and Poetika Anima (d. Kriss Sagan).
I Am Not Playing Anymore and Poetika Anima are also part of CEE Animation: Talents selection which promotes young animation filmmakers from Central and Eastern Europe region.
In addition nine more films were selected for non-competitive Slovak Panorama section: Bearserker (d. Bálint Alló), Born Free (d. Norbert Neuschl), Machine (d. Slavo Turanec), Bored on Retirement (d. Szilard Kardiak), PANTOPOS (d. Eni Brander), Persona Grata (d. Daniela Krajčová), Housing-Estate Dream, Save Your Files (d. Jakub Bondor) and Žabí rauš: Do lesov (r. Slavo Turanec).
Slovak films are selected for other non-competitive sections, too: Fire (d. Veronika Kocourková) in World Panorama for Kids; St. Constantine and Methodius (d. Lucia Gazdíková) and Cold Warmness (d. Helena Friedmannová) in Anča in Wonderland; Four Riders (d. Dominik Turan) in Anča in Mordor; Volkswagen Commercial (d. Ové Pictures) and Untravel (d. Ana Nedelković, Nikola Majdak Jr.) in thematic section Identity: Stranger Danger; and audience will also have a chance to see Mimi & Lisa: Christmas Lights Mystery (d. Katarína Kerekesová, Ivana Šebestová).
The new DVD Pictures — Folksongs issued by the Slovak Film Institute will be celebrated at Fest Anča with the screening of the classic four-part series by Helena Slavíková-Rabarová.
Related AIC articles:
Fest Anča 2018
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published: 26.06.2019
updated: 26.06.2019