The first edition of Industry Days kicks off
The first edition of Industry Days will be held on March 22 - 23, 2016 within the International Film Clubs Festival Febiofest.
The international guests of the event are Stefan Laudyn (director, Warsaw FF), Andrei Tanasescu (Toronto IFF), Katarzyna Siniarska (New Europe Film Sales), Martin Horyna and Hugo Rosák (Karlovy Vary IFF), Jan Maxa (director of programme developing at Czech Television), Petr Vítek (Czech State Cinematography Fund) and Lubomír Konečný (Barrandov Studios), etc.
> Tuesday, March 22 <
> 11:00, Lumière Cinema, Works in Progress
Works in Progress is an industry programme that offers filmmakers and producers an opportunity to present their projects mainly to film professionals and journalists, but also to wider public, and it has been a part of many film festivals programme. It will present ten projects whose creators have ten minutes to present them, and five minutes for showing a short clip of already shot material.
Presented projects:
Backstage / Backstage, Katarína Šulajová
>> hraný, vo výrobe / fiction in production >> SK-CZ-HU >> ARINA: Silvia Panáková
Cenzori / Censors, Peter Kerekes
>> dokumentárny vo vývoji / documentary in development >> SK-CZ >> Peter Kerekes: Peter Kerekes
Cesta lesom / Through the Forest, Robert Kirchhoff
>>dokumentárny v postprodukcii / documentary in postprodcution >> SK-CZ >> HITCHHIKER Cinema / Barbara Janišová Feglová
Fotograf Beatles / Photographer of The Beatles, Peter Hledík
>> dokumentárny vo vývoji / documentary in development >> SK >> TRIGON PRODUCTION / Patrik Pašš
Hotel Úsvit / Sunrise Hotel, Mária Rumanová
>> dokumentárny v postprodukcii / documentary in postprodcution >> SK >> Punkchart films / Ivan Ostrochovský
Láska z celuloidu / Flickering Ghosts of Loves Gone By, André Bonzel
>> hraný, vo vývoji / fiction in development >> SK-FR >> Artichoke / Juraj Krasnohorský
Leto s Bernardom / Summer with Bernard,Martina Saková
>> hraný, vo vývoji / fiction in development >> SK - DE – CZ >> SiLVERaRT / Katarína Krnáčová
odbočte vpravo! / turn right!, Andrej Kolenčík
>> hraný, vo vývoji / fiction in development >> SK >> Cinetype / Filip Křižek
Ostrým nožom / By a Sharp Knife, Teodor Kuhn
>> hraný, vo vývoji / fiction in development >> SK >> nutprodukcia / Jakub Viktorín
Posol / The Disciple, Ivan Ostrochovský
>> hraný, vo vývoji / fiction in development >> SK >> Punkchart films / Ivan Ostrochovský
Učiteľka / The Teacher, Jan Hřebejk >> hraný, v postprodukcii / fiction in postproduction >> SK-CZ >> PubRes / Zuzana Mistríková, Ľubica Orechovská
Works in Progress - catalogue
> 17:00, VŠMU, Masterclass: Katarzyna Siniarska
This lecture will not be given by the author, but by a woman who takes care of films – her work is to get them to the audience. Katarzyna Siniarska is one of the key managers of New Europe Film Sales company, which deals with license business of not only full-length, but also short-length films. This year the company also successfully presented and sold the new film by Tomasz Wasilewski, who won Best Screenplay award at Berlinale. What is the current film trade like? Is it necessary to think about international audience already when you prepare your new film? The lecture will take us behind the scenes of contemporary film and will reveal how to help author’s films be successful.
> Wednesday, March 23 <
> 11.00, Lumière Cinema, Panel: Slovak Film in Czech Audio-Visual Background
Is it really necessary to dub Slovak films into Czech if they are to be successful in Czech distribution? Why do the films of the enfant terrible of Slovak documentary Zuzana Piussi get financed easier in Bohemia than in Slovakia? And what is the situation like with mutual support and cooperation in making, sales and distribution of films nowadays? The key managers of Czech companies and film organizations will discuss Slovak film and its position in Czech film industry.
The platform Industry Days is organized by IFCF Febiofest, Association of Slovak Film Clubs and Slovak Film Insitute.
published: 17.03.2016
updated: 24.03.2016