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The fourth edition of Industry Days is ready to kick off!

The upcoming 26th International Film Clubs Festival Febiofest not only brings important films of key auteur directors, but continues to open up to Slovak and international industry guests. 4th Industry Days represents an important platform for film professionals, including the young upcoming generation to network and talk about their film projects. The Industry programme includes a presentation of upcoming Slovak films, a showcase of educational platforms for filmmakers and their impact on quality film projects, as well as further master classes and discussion panels. 4th Industry Days will take place March 25 – 26, 2019 in Bratislava, Kino Lumière.

The international guests of the event are Stefan Laudyn (Warsaw IFF), Andrei Tanasescu (Toronto IFF), Bernd Buder (FF Cottbus, Berlin IFF – Forum section), Nikolaj Nikitin (Berlin IFF, training programme SOFA - School of Film Agents), Hugo Rosák (Karlovy Vary IFF – Industry), Karel Och (Karlovy Vary IFF), Renata Santoro (Venice Days), Anna Ciennik (Les Arcs IFF – Industry, training programme LiM – Less is More), Philip Ilson (BFI London, London Short Film Festival), Miguel Ribeiro (DocLisboa), René Kubášek (Ji.hlava IDFF, training programme EMERGING PRODUCERS), Mihkel Riis (Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival), Sarah Momesso (Clermont Ferrand ISFF), Magdalena Żelasko (Let´s CEE Film Festival), Arnaud Godart (LOCO Films), Viktorija Cook (Film Republic), Yannick Rudinski (Fizz-e-Motion), Katarzyna Siniarska (New Europe Film Sales), Daniela Chlapíková Cölle (Pluto Film), Fürnkranz (Autlook Filmsales), Guillaume de Seille (Arizona Distribution), Vratislav Šlajer (Bionaut), Barbora Struss (MIDPOINT), Tomáš Potočný (dok.incubator), Al Williams (ACE Producers), Walter Nagy (East Doc Platform, EX ORIENTE FILM), Martin Demmer (Film Spring Open), and others.



MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2019

10:00 | Kino Lumière | K1
Presentation of upcoming Slovak projects Works in Progress

Hosted by • Rastislav Steranka | director NCC SFI •

1. How I became a partisan, d. Vera Lacková
SK – CZ | far. | 72 min. | creative documentary | in development |
Prod.: Media Voice / Vera Lacková, Jan Bodnár
Presented by Vera Lacková (director, producer), Jan Bodnár (producer)

2. The Impossible Voyage, d. Noro Držiak
SK – CZ | far. | 90 min.| animated docudrama | in post-production |
Prod.: MEDIA FILM / Michael Kaboš
Presented by Michael Kaboš (producer)

3. AMNESTY, d. Jonáš Karásek
SK – CZ | far. | 120 min. | political thriller | in post-production |
Prod.: AZYL Production / Maroš Hečko, Nataša Ďuričová, Peter Veverka
Presented by Nataša Ďuričová (producer), Viliam Štrelinger (producer)

4. LITTLE KINGDOM, d. Peter Magát
SK | far. | 90 min. | drama | in production |
Prod.: FilmFrame / Zuzana Chadimová, Braňo Chlpík
Presented by Zuzana Chadimová (producer), Braňo Chlpík (producer)

5. Ema & Death's-Head, d. Iveta Grófová
SK – CZ | far.| 100 min. | drama | in development |
Prod.: PubRes / Zuzana Mistríková, Ľubica Orechovská
Presented by Iveta Grófová (director), Zuzana Mistríková (producer)

6. Homeland of Silence, d. Štefánia Lovasová
SK | far. | 30 min. | drama | in development |
Prod.: VŠMU / Michaela Kaliská
Presented by Štefánia Lovasová (director), Michaela Kaliská (producer)

- Coffee break (15 min.) -
followed by presentation of the training programme Pop Up Film Residency by Matthieu Darras.

7. TEAM BUILDING, d. Adina Popescu, Iulian Ghervas
RO – SK | far. | 90 min. | comedy, social documentary | in production |
Prod.: LEON Productions / Dávid Čorba
Presented by Adina Popescu (director), Dávid Čorba (producer)

8. Fightback, d. Peter Begányi
SK | far. | 78 min. | drama, historic, action | in development |
Prod.: Piknik Pictures / Peter Begányi
Presented by Michaela Kráľová (producer), Soňa Čermáková-Uličná (producer)

9. A LITTLE BIT UTOPIC or being a human, d. Vladislava Sárkány
SK | far. | 80 min. | creative documentary | in production |
Prod.: sarkany / Vladislava Sárkány
Presented by Vladislava Sárkány (director, producer), Andrea Biskupičová (executive producer)

10. The Sailor, d. Lucia Kašová
SK | far.| 80 min. | creative documentary | in production |
Prod.: TOXPRO / Nazarij Kľujev
Presented by Lucia Kašová (director), Nazarij Kľujev (producer)

11. BUNKER, d. György Kristóf
SK – RO – HU | far. | 80 min. | dance film | in development |
Prod.: Silverart / Katarína Krnáčová
Presented by Katarína Krnáčová (producer)

12:30 | Bistro St. Germain
Networking brunch

14:00 | Kino Lumière | Kafehaus Barzzuz
One-to-One meetings

15:30 | Kino Lumière | K2

Training platforms presentation
Nowadays, filmmakers have numerous opportunities to develop both, theoretical and practical experience by participating in various international training programs and platforms. Those are aimed at various professions and stages of film production. Presentation of eight training platforms with different focuses will offer a basic overview of available film education possibilities.

Hosted by Přemysl Martinek | artistic director of IFCF Febiofest

Training platforms:

POP UP FILM RESIDENCY intends to bring the best of what artistic residencies usually offer, together with a truly individualized mentorship program. Each residency is unique, specific to the needs of the project, and as a matter of fact only hosts one resident at a time.

Presented by Matthieu Darras
More information:

MIDPOINT is a training and networking platform for script and project development operating under the auspices of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. It is aimed at creative teams of writers, directors and producers from Central and Eastern Europe.

Presented by Barbora Struss
More information:

ACE PRODUCERS is an exclusive network of experienced independent film producers from Europe and beyond. Membership of the network is based on professionalism, mutual trust, collaborative working, and openness to new ideas. A fundamental aim of ACE PRODUCERS is to encourage and enable international co-productions.

Presented by Al Williams
More information:

EMERGING PRODUCERS is an industry flagship project of the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival and the only one of its kind designed for documentary film producers in Europe. Every year, it selects 18 talented producers (17 European and one representing a guest country), for whom is provided educational, networking, and promotional support.

Presented by René Kubášek
More information:

For the past 13 years, FILM SPRING OPEN has been focused on comprehensive education in the audiovisual arts, using cutting edge technology and future-oriented professionals to engage with young students, graduates, artists, producers, programmers and technicians involved in the audiovisual industry.

Presented by Martin Demmer
More information:

SOFA – School of Film Agents
invites young film agents for a workshop training to Wroclaw, Poland. The program’s special quality is its unique target group: upcoming film professionals From Central and Eastern Europe, Germany, Greece, Central Asia and the republics of Caucasus. SOFA doesn’t aim to educate film directors or producers. SOFA supports culture promoters, mediators, and catalyzers with unique film/cinema project ideas for the local and international audience in their country of origin – in all possible creative shapes.

Presented by
Nikolaj Nikitin
More information:

EX ORIENTE FILM is an international training programme for documentary professionals supporting the development and funding of creative documentary films from Central and Eastern Europe. The core of the EX ORIENTE FILM workshop is based on three week-long residential workshops held over 9 months.

Presented by Walter Nagy
More information:

LIM – Less Is More is the European platform for project development of limited budget feature films. The aim of LIM is to help writers and writer/directors integrate cost constraints into script development. The scheme is open to 1st, 2nd and 3rd feature film projects, as well as to artists coming from theatre, documentary and visual arts.

Presented by Anna Ciennik

More information:

DOK. INCUBATOR, an international documentary rough-cut workshop, provides six-months of individual tutoring by top internationally-active editors, producers and distributors. For six months, the workshop inspires teams of eight selected films from all over the world, each represented by three team members (producer, director, editor).

Presented by Tomáš Potočný
More information

18:30 | Kino Lumière | K2

KineDok Conference: Every Wall Is a Door

22:00 | Luna Bar | Hotel Kyjev

Industry party


11:00 | Kino Lumière | K2
Panel discussion: Slovak Film Commission presents...

The Slovak film industry has been impatiently anticipating the establishment of Slovak Film Commission (SFC), as there previously hadn’t been any institution offering services and locations at foreign events in a coherent manner, like it is in other countries. Film commissioner Zuzana Bieliková and her team will talk about what is the agency’s job and what are its plans for the Slovak film industry in the near future. In the second half of the panel, the SFC will present representatives from the surrounding regional film agencies and the possibilities of filming or obtaining funding from regional funds. Part of of the panel will be the presentation of Slovak Business Agency.

Slovak Business Agency (SBA) will present the possibilities of using free services of the National Business Center and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. You will learn new ways to travel free of charge to an international conference and market in the EU, how to get a free consultant to help you write grant applications. Find out how you can take part in seminars, lectures and lessons for free workshops to help you start your business or move it up. Have you heard about the European Youth Exchange Program?


Zuzana Bieliková, Eva Pospíšilová | Slovak Film Commission

Ivana Košuličová | Brno Film Office

Magdaléna Hladká | Zlín Film Office

Marijana Stoisits | Vienna Film Commission

Szymon Witkowski | Krakow Film Commission

The platform Industry Days is organized by IFCF Febiofest, Association of Slovak Film Clubs and Slovak Film Institute.
The platform Industry Days is supported by Audiovisual Fund, Creative Europe Desk Slovak Republic.

Related AIC Articles:
Febiofest Industry Days 2018
Febiofest Industry Days 2017

published: 20.03.2019
updated: 12.04.2019